Valentine's Day

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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of rape, sexual harassment, starvation, abuse, and Jewish Holocaust during World War 2. I will give another warning before they are mentioned. 

Valentine's Day was just around the corner. 

Not that Nova really cared. 

She never had anyone to celebrate it with. But now she does . . .or at least she hopes she does. 

Harry hasn't asked her yet. 

She wouldn't lie, a part of her wanted him to ask her. 

She wondered what would happen if he did. 

Would they hang out at the castle? Would they go to Hogsmeade? Would they go to Madam Puddifoots? Would they go to the Three Broomsticks? Would they enjoy themselves? Would they walk around? 

Nova knew one thing for sure. If Harry took her to Madam Puddifoots, she would smash a tea cup into his brain. 

That was, of course, if he asked her. But then again, she could ask him. 

This would involve coming out about their relationship to everyone other than their close friends. They didn't want the extra attention. They did need it. 

Harry was becoming annoyed. He heard the not so quiet whispers about those (guys and girls) planning or wanting to ask Nova out to the next Hogsmeade visit, which happened to be on Valentine's Day. He almost pummelled a guy for talking about how good of a shag he thought Nova would be. Luckily, for the elder Gryffindor, Hermione practically dragged Harry away by his ear. 

Nova knew that some of Harry's anger came from Voldemort messing with his mind. This was one reason Harry attended Occulmency lessons every Monday and Wednesday in secret. This deliberately went against one of the toad's Educational Decrees. 

The Profit published a story blaming Sirius for the escape of several Death Eaters, including Bellatrix Lestrange. This alone lead Neville to working harder in D.A. meetings, which he has been excelling at. 

The news of Broderick Bode's death caused fear to strike Nova's heart. He is a known member of the Order. He was on Prophecy Duty when he was attacked leading to him being sent to St. Mungos. Voldemort, most likely not expecting him to survive, sent disguised Devil's Snare to Bode while he was recovering. This deadly plant evidently strangled him to death. 

Nova blamed herself. She, and the rest of the Golden Quartet, had experience with the plant. They almost died from it in first year. The others blamed themselves for not recognizing the plant. But for Nova, it was worse. 

She is training under one of the most elite Aurors to walk the Earth. Not to mention she has been on countless adventures. One of Moodster's greatest pieces of advice (basically a rule of thumb) is to pay attention to minor details. 

Nova didn't realize the plant of Devil's Snare. Her mistake led to the death of a fellow Order Member. He always gave her oranges. It was an odd thing for him to do, but Nova loves oranges. 

Back at Hogwarts, Hagrid is on probation. Essentially meaning, he must be supervised as he teaches by the Devil itself, Dolores Umbridge. 

Speaking of Dolores Umbridge, Nova is currently walking through the cold hallways back to the Common Room after another detention. 

The worst part . . .

Nova hadn't done anything to award her detention. 

Her cloak billowed behind her as she walked. Her skirt swished with each step he took. Hating the feeling of the tie wrapped around her neck, it was loosened. Her hair fell into her face as she walked through the hallways liked a kicked puppy as blood from the quill ran down her hand. 

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