The World Will Know It

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Tomorrow is the last D.A. meeting until the holidays. For the past two weeks, Nova has been keeping Harry at arm's length. She can't look him in his emerald green eyes without feeling the heartbreak of rejection. She can't hear his voice without wanting to silence it with her lips. 

Ever since their first kiss, that's all they thought about. 

Even though it was a small kiss, it spoke volumes. 

Nova felt her fingers gently grazing her lips, as if wondering if the kiss was real. She would find herself wanting to feel the butterflies in her stomach that fluttered around happily as his lips would meet hers. She would find herself longing to be wrapped in his arms again. She would find herself wanting to steal one of Harry's hoodies so she could constantly smell his cologne. 

Harry knew he would trade every star in the sky for one more kiss. He'd fight the darkest monster to be worthy of it. 

If Nova looked Harry in his eyes long enough, she would see this. 

Every time the two made eye contact, Nova would almost instantly look away in fear of getting lost. In fear of drowning. In fear of melting. In fear of getting hurt. 

And she was already in enough pain. 

Nova's determination to keep Harry at a distance was frustrating him more than he would openly admit. 

He hadn't realized how much he loved Nova's rambles about small things, like books, or long speeches about things that can change the world. He hadn't realized how much he loved them until they didn't happen. He didn't realize how much he loved Nova's laugh until he never heard it. He hadn't realized how much he loved her smile until he never saw it. He hadn't realized how much he loved interlocking his pinkies with Nova until he couldn't. 

He once described needed someone that can grant him the security the ground can. He was wrong. 

What good can the ground do when he is drowning in the ocean? 

What good is the ground going to do when he is free-falling to his death?

Besides, the ground is there for everyone. 

Harry realized he needs the stability a dragon give. 

He needs someone that will catch him as he is falling. He needs someone that will protect him. He needs someone that will fish him out of the water. He needs someone that will defend him, but not afraid to put him in line. 

Nova is his dragon. 

Nova is his person. 

Nova is the person that will stroll into hell for him. Nova is the person that will put him in his place. Nova is the person that has always caught him as he fell. Nova is the person that will be by his side through everything. 

He needs that stability. 

So when she became distant, Harry became irritated and angry. 

Nova distancing herself from Harry was like the oxygen slowly depleting itself from the air. 

That brings our story to where Nova laid on the deck of the Astronomy Tower, studying the stars (thanks to a heating charm, she didn't freeze). 

Harry, under the Invisibility Cloak, made his way to the Astronomy Tower to where he knew Nova was (thanks to Jerry). 

He stopped for a moment, admiring her beauty. The stars illuminated Nova's hair making it glow slightly. Her face was relaxed ad content. 

"Why are you ignoring me?" Harry asked as he pulled the cloak from his body. 

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