Nova's Second Heaven Debut

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Nova appeared on the floor in front of her father. She looked like the Nova from back in July. The circles were no longer under her eyes. She wasn't bruised. She wasn't bleeding. Her hair was back to its flowing slight curls (not that it had ever changed, her hair just looked healthier). 

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Alex repeated. They was practically hyperventilating. "Oh my God! Oh my God! She's here! She's actually here!"

Alex has been waiting to meet Nova. They obviously didn't want Nova to die, but Nova was their hero. She fought and advocated for the rights of members of the LGBTQ+ community. A community Alex is a part of. 

Sirius moved to wake her up, but Lily stopped him. 

"I wouldn't do that if i were you," she advised. 

"Lilykins, relax," Sirius rolled his eyes. Her knelt down next to Nova. "Lion . . .Lion, you need to wake up."

"Fuck off you trick arse bitch," Nova groaned. "Stop poking me before I set my killed house elf on your sorry arse."

"Okay, Lion," Sirius backed away sheepishly. "I'll let you sleep."

"Thanks, Da," Nova murmmered. 

Her eyes shot open as she sat up. 

"DA!" Nova yelled as she launched herself into Sirius's arms. 

"Hello, Lion," Sirius grinned as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her like she would disappear. 

"Are you crying?" Nova asked in a teasing tone as she felt his ce warm salt tears hit her shoulder. 

"No," Sirius sobbed. 

"Don't lie," James laughed as he ruffled his hair.

"You big baby!" Regulus taunted with the Black smirk etched upon his face. 

Nova pulled away and looked around the room. She grinned at each person individual. 

Her grin faded once she saw a passed out Alex on the floor. Their dark pixie cut was messy, but not extremely messy. 

"Did you guys kidnap the poor woman?" Nova questioned. 

"They're non-binary," Lily informed. "And they just passed out from excitement."

"Right . . ." Nova trailed off. "So . . .how long am I here?"

"Dunno," Dorcus answered. 

Nova's eyes drifted to the screen Harry was on. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with tears screaming down his face. 

She looked away. 

Alex made a noise as they rolled over. Their dark brown eyes widened as they caught sight of Nova. 

"Hi," Nova grinned and waved. 

Alex fainted again. 

Nova didn't fail to notice the look of concern pass over her father's face. 

"Are they okay?" Nova asked with her brows furrowed. 

"They're just excited," Regulus answered. 

"Lion," Sirius said. "Why don't you take a walk with me?"

Nova shrugged and followed him outside.

When she looked up, Nova was in complete shock. The night sky was visible and more beautiful than she had ever imagined it to be. Nebullas, supernovas, and constellations were able to be seen. 

"Nova," Sirius spoke, drawing Nova's attention to her father. His silver eyes were illuminated by the sky above. 

"Da," Nova mocked. 

"I'm proud of you, Lion," Sirius stated. "What you went through-" Nova looked down. "-it hurt to watch. I can't even imagine living it."

Nova gaze did not leave the green blades of grass under her feet. 

"But you still fought. You are still fighting." Nova looked up. "You are raising hell for Voldemort. You haven't stopped fighting. You haven't given up."


"That's what makes me proud, Nova," Sirius sent her a small smile. 


"You're going to go back, and don't you dare fight me on this," Sirius placed his hands on her shoulders. "You're going back. You're going to continue to fight."


"I don't want to see you for another seventy years. At least." Sirius stated. "Not even with these little visits you like to have."


"You and Harry are going to get married." Sirius stated. "And you'll raise some pranking legends."

"I thought you didn't like Harry-"

"You're going to continue to change the world," Sirius spoke over her. "Just as you have been doing."

"Deal," Nova nodded. "So . . .you and Alex, huh?"

"What? No!" Sirius stated. He said it in such a fashion, Nova knew she was right. 

A smirk grew on her face. 

"You totally like her- I mean them!" Nova exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at her father with a wild smirk on her face. 

"And you like Harry!"

"Da . . ." Nova began softly. "Harry and I have been together for two years . . .I'm wearing a promise ring."

Sirius didn't say anything. 

"You didn't deny it!" Nova smirked before running into the house. 

"OI! UNCLE PRONGS!" Nova yelled. 

"LION! GET BACK HERE!" Sirius called after her. "DON'T YOU DARE!"


"Wha?" James asked. 

Nova smirked at her father. 

"Da thinks you have pretty hair," Nova grinned before joining her Uncle Reg.

"That's not what you were going to say, was it?" Lily asked as she tied her hair into a messy bun. 

"Not. At. All." Nova grinned. 

Another half hour of jokes and laughter, Nova turned to Regulus. 

"Uncle Reg-" 

They didn't know what Nova was about to say, because she faded away. 

Back to Earth. 


Nova's honey eyes fluttered open.

She expected to be alone.

But she was wrong. 

A familiar figure hovered over her. His grey eyes shone with curiosity, confusion, and worry. His brown hair was almost exactly how Nova had last seen it.

Hovering over her was a person Nova never thought she'd see again. 

Not have he died. 

"Ced?" Nova whispered faintly. 

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