Nova's Heaven Debut

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Author's Note:

As many of you have guess, this is will be Nova being in heaven. Don't worry. She isn't dead. She's just saying hi. 

Also, since this is written in heaven, what's happening on earth will be in italics. 

Nova dressed in her black leather jacket, skinny blue jeans, Gryffindor Quidditch Jumper (hoodie), and red converses appeared in front of Regulus. 

"Oh hell nah!" He exclaimed as she appeared. He quickly knelt down next to her. "If she's dead, I'm killing Sirius."

"What's Padfoot have to do with anything?" James asked exasperatedly. 

"I don't even need a reason to kill him. He's Sirius," Regulus shrugged.

Lily and James had just come back from the Prior Incantum spell, meaning Harry escaped with Nova and Cedric. The music had abruptly stopped. The moment Hermione realized who was on the ground with Harry and Cedric, she screamed bloody murder. 

"That's my son!" Amos yelled, fighting his way to the front. "That's my boy!"

Remus pushed past everyone, Padfoot following behind him. Both too shocked. 

Nova groaned on the floor. Lily with her red hair in a messy bun, knelt next to her. She shook her slightly, trying to wake the young teenager. 

"Ronnikins, I swear to Merlin if you don't stop poking me, I'm going to throw crispy chicken nuggets at your arse," Nova growled before curling in on herself to go back to sleep. 

James, Regulus, and Marlene held back their laughs. James was turning purple with effort. 

"Nova . . ." Lily called in a soft voice. "Nova . . .it's time to wake up . . ."

"Bruh, Imma fucking bark at you," Nova groaned.  

James couldn't help it anymore. He burst into laughter. Nova cracked an eye open to look at him, similar to what Remus does. 

"Damn, Har, when did you get so old?" Nova asked. 

James let out an offended gasp. 

"I'm not old!" 

"You sound like Dadfoot when I say he ate too many donuts," Nova laughed, finally sitting up. She looked around, her smile slowly fading. "Wait a damn minute!"

Nova remembered everything. It came back to her in flashes. The Triwizard Tournament. The maze. Mad-Eye really being Barty Crouch Jr. The Graveyard. Cedric. Voldemort. Harry. 

Mad-Eye was dragging Harry away. 

"Oh hell nah!" Nova yelled at Crouch, sounding freakishly like her Uncle Reggie. "Nope! Get your filthy hands off him!"

"Nova," Lily said softly. "Look at me."

Nova turned to look at the mother of her best friend. Her eyes exactly the same as his. The same emerald green Nova adores. 

"Am I dead?" Nova asked. No one answered. "Sweet. I always wanted to try being dead."

"You aren't dead," Marlene piped up. "I'm Marlene Mckinnon."

"I know who you are. You're Aunty Marls and Aunt Dorky," Nova told Marlene and Dorcus. She turned to Lily, Regulus, and James. "And you're Aunt Flower, Uncle Reggie, and Uncle Prongs. I may be Sirius Black's daughter, but I have my Pa's brain."

"You don't hate me?" Regulus asked. 

"No. I read your diary." Nova shrugged. "I know what you did. I haven't told Da yet. He doesn't talk about you much. I only know who you guys are from letters and photos. I once found Da sobbing with Uncles Prongs's quidditch jumper in his hands. He pretended he wasn't crying. Pa becomes a walking zombie on your wedding day. Most likely the same for your birthdays and death days. But I wouldn't know, I'm never there for those."

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