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I would like to thank everyone for reading, as always. In honor of reaching 2 million reads, I've decided to publish some cut scenes and an extra piece.

The photo above is a beautiful aesthetic made by -lyra-cassiopeia-. It was based upon Harry and Nova, and I literally am in love with it!



Year One

With the moon high in the sky, most of the Hogwarts residences were fast asleep. Nestled in their beds, surrounded by the warmth, their minds rested from the long hours of being awake. 

There was only one person awake, apart from Filch and his scary cat. 

That person was Nova Black. 

She tossed and turned every few moments, her mind not resting. She tried her best to relax, to put her mind at ease, but nothing worked. 

Tomorrow, or, technically, today was November third. Her father's birthday, if you could call him that. He was in prison for life, not that particularly minded. He was a murderer, and she didn't want that in her life. Nonetheless, she typically spent November third thinking of what her life could be like had her father not been a murderer. 

She wasn't exactly sure how she went from thinking about her father to planning a prank, but she did. And she had the perfect victim and plan. 

She looked over at her best friend, Hermione. Despite only knowing the bushy-haired brunette for a short amount of time, Nova found herself almost instantly becoming friends with the girl. It was almost as if the two were meant to be friends, it was almost as if Merlin knew Nova and Hermione were meant to be best friends. 

Nova slipped out from under her scarlet covers, quietly walking from the room. She knew Hermione would not part take in any sort of prank, so she went to someone she knew would. 

Harry Potter slept soundly in his dorm when Nova snuck in. She knew she could've gone to the Weasley twins, but she felt weird walking into their rooms. It was different with Harry's dorm, seeing as she often fell asleep in an armchair that stood against the wall in his dorm. 

She approached his bed before poking his face. 

She wasn't exactly sure how to wake someone up without shouting, screaming, singing, or jumping on them. She'd thought to simply wing it. 

"What the-?" Harry groaned, his hand smacking his nightstand in hopes of finding his glasses. 

"Mornin', darlin'," Nova grinned, flopping beside him. "Aren't you looking dapper? Bedhead and all that jazz."

"Nova?" he asked with furrowed brows. "What in Merlin's name are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep," she said nonchalantly. "I couldn't get my brain to calm down."

"Didn't know you had one of those," he teased. 

"You should know by now that I'm a shock to all," she grinned. "But anyway, I was just thinking about what my dad would've been like had he not been a murderer. Then I was just thinking about this cloud that I saw yesterday that looks like a dragon. Then I remembered that it was raining after that-"

"I'm trying to decide if there's a point to this story, or if you simply felt like making your inability to fall asleep my problem as well," he grumbled, burying his face into his pillow, pulling the blanket over his head. "If it's the later, go bother Ron."

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