Gravity Is No One's Friend

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Nova, plagued by nightmares, sat in the Common Room, staring at the cold cinders in the fireplace. She had the same reoccurring nightmare. 

Blasts of green light shooting her friends in the heart, killing them. However, instead of stopping it or shouting in protest, an evil, menacing laugh fell from her lips. Her laugh similar to what she imagined her own to be. 

"Nova?" Harry called, as he walked down the stairs. 

"Hey, Har," Nova greeted, flashing him a smile.

Harry instantly noticed something was wrong. He knew she was struggling with everything before, but he could actually talk to her about it. 

"What's wrong, love?" Harry asked, sitting beside her. 

"Nothing, Darlin," Nova replied, fiddling with the strings of the hoodie she stole from Harry. 

"It's not nothing," Harry stated, frustration clear in his voice. "I know something's wrong, Nox."

"I'm okay-" Nova began, but Harry cut her off. 

"You have dark circles under your eyes. That's a tell-tale sign of sleep deprivation. You aren't eating as much. Your nails are bitten down to the beds." Harry began listing off every small detail he noticed. "Your hair has split ends. There are bruises on your knuckles. I assume this is because of your training with muggle combat. You're extremely jumpy. You barely laugh that adorable laugh. Your smile is nothing but a mask you wear.

"You aren't fine, Nova Black," Harry said. "You are struggling with something. I assume it has something to do with your father."

"No shit, Sherlock Holmes," Nova said sarcastically, refusing to look him in the eyes. She knew if she did, she would cry. 

"Nova, you don't have to be strong all the time," Harry said softly. "Just tell me what's wrong."

"My father is trying to kill you. My best friend. Everyone thinks our friendship is a ploy to get closer to you. In the end, helping my father kill you." Nova stated. Harry could hear the tears in her voice. "It wasn't this hard with the Morgensterns. Now, I have people breathing down my neck, waiting for me to mess up. Waiting for me to show any sign of me helping my father."

"But you aren't like him. You don't kill people. You wouldn't kill someone. You run around making jokes, and flirting with other people." Harry stated. As he had told Lupin, he might be oblivious to most things, but when it came to Nova, he noticed everything. "For Melin's sake, you named a big black dog you found in the woods Snuffles!"

Nova laughed slightly. 

"I also know for a fact that if you had to choose between the life of a loved one or yourself, you would choose them," Harry stated. "Speaking of which, don't go throwing yourself in front of a curse for me, alright?"

"No promises, Darlin," Nova teased, unshed tears still in her eyes. 

"Can I have my jumper back?" Harry asked. 

"Which one?" Nova questioned. 

"The red-" Harry began. "How many of them do you have?"

"Four or five," Nova answered. "And yes. You can have them back."

"That easy?" Harry asked. 

Nova nodded. What she didn't tell him; none of them smelt like him anymore. 

She knew it was silly. She knew she was being a silly hormonal teenager, but wearing Harry's jumpers and hoodies made her feel safe. They made her feel wanted. They made her feel as if she were not completely alone. 

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