July 19

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"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Harry whisper shouted as Nova apparated behind him. 

"Feeling da love, darlin," Nova rolled her eyes sarcastically. She crossed her arms over her army green lightweight jacket. Her hair was pulled into a messy side braid. 

"Sorry, love," Harry grinned sheepishly as he stuck his hands in his jeans' front pockets. "But what are you doing here?"

"You wanted to go camping," Nova stated. "So, I talked to Moodster. His paranoid arse said I could take you camping as long as I placed every protection charm I knew on us. Also, Pa demanded to know where."

"You mean like right now?" Harry asked. 

"No. After I die." Nova rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Yes now! Hurry up before we're forced to room with Duddikins!"

Nova walked over to Harry's wardrobe and began packing him a bag. 

"It'll only be for tonight," Nova said as she looked out at the sun that was still high in the sky. "And some of tomorrow." Nova paused and looked at her watch. "Right. The portkey should be leaving soon."

"Right . . ." Harry got to his feet and switched the clothes out for the one he liked to wear. "What about Hedwig?"

"She's meeting us there," Nova grinned. "Now let's go!"


Harry looked around. Nova had brought them to the middle of nowhere. They were in a small clearing in a vast evergreen forest. Sunlight shone through cracks in the leaves' wall. A small fire pit stood off to the side. 

"Please tell me you know how to set up a tent," Nova said as she placed her hands in her back pockets of her black skinny jeans. 

"Nope," Harry shook his head. "Could you show me?"

In reality, Harry knew exactly how to set up a tent. He just wanted to hear Nova tell him how to do it. Her commanding voice was extremely attractive. 

Ten minutes later, the tent was set up. Nova came up from her kneeling position with a grin. 

"There, now you know how to set up a tent." Nova smiled. "I'm off to find firewood. You set up the sleeping bags. There should be some food in my bag."

"Let me go," Harry said urgently. 

"One, I have to set up the protective wards," Nova stated. "Two, you can't do magic for another  thirteen days. Three, I can't take care of myself, darlin."

Nova spun on her heel and marched into the thick forest. Her black combat boots hitting the ground as she went. Harry watched until her caramel hair was finally out of sight before rushing to his bag. 

He shuffled through it until he came upon a small black velvet box and sighed in relief. 

"Is that-" Alex asked quietly. 

"Yeah." Lily whispered.

"Is he-" Marlene began. 

"I think so," James answered. 

"Did he ask-" Dorcus questioned. 

"No." Sirius huffed with his arms crossed. 

The sun was beginning to set when Nova returned. She had a large grin on her face as several logs and sticks floated behind her. With quick observation, she seemed fine. 

"What took so long?" Harry huffed, crossing his arms over his red flannel. 

"Sorry, darlin," Nova said as she moved one of the large logs near the firepit to serve as a bench. "Mad-Eye and his stupid precautions. Not to mention the ones Pa demanded I add to the list."

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