The Life of Nova Lily Lupin-Black

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*No she is not dead. She will not be dying 

TW: Guns, torture, and child abuse

It's been two months since Nova escaped Malfoy Manor. She's been on the run ever since. 

But Nova wasn't like Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 

No. Nova decided to take a page out of a muggle warfare book that she had to read for Moodster's lessons. 

Guerilla warfare; the art of tiring out your enemy. 

This brings us to where Nova stood on top of an abandoned ten-story warehouse. She looked out over the horizon, seeing a city less than a mile away. 

With on deep inhale, Nova called out. 

"VOLDEMORT!" She hollared.

"Why? Why?" Sirius groaned. "Why? Just Why?"

"It's a brilliant plan," Lily stated but frowned. "It'd be best if it were multiple people." 


"Oh look! Harry, Ron, and Hermione are going to Malfoy Manor!" James exclaimed. "Yeah . . .no. I don't like that."

As soon as the words left her mouth, Nova apparated to the fifth-floor landing. 

While in captivity, Nova discovered Voldemort's name was a taboo. Deciding to continue to be a pain in his ass, she found it best to annoy him. 

She taunted his Death Eaters and Snatchers. 

There was a rather large sum of gold over Nova's head for whoever captured her. 

A rain of sparks showered over Nova as she ran down the stairs to the fourth landing. 

An explosion blew Nova down a flight of stairs, knocking the wind out of her. 

"WE GOT HER!" one of the Snatchers cheered. 

Slowly, the group of five Snatchers approached her. 

"No. No, ya didn't," Alex grinned wickedly. 

"Good morning," Nova grinned. 

The Snatchers looked around confused.

Nova whipped out a small gun before shooting each Snatcher in the leg. 

"Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!" Nova called as she launched herself out of the window, apparating in mid-air. 


Hermione Granger's eyes were bloodshot as she looked down at her arm. 

Mudblood would forever be engraved into her flesh. It was something she could never forget. 

Silent tears fell from her face as Luna entered. 

"Professor Lupin and a few others are here," Luna spoke. "They have something to show us."

Hermione nodded limply as she left the room. She refused to meet anyone's eyes. They all showed pity. 

And Hermione did not want their pity. 

"Why do you have Nova's locket?" Harry asked upon seeing it in Remus's palm. 

Ever since leaving Malfoy Manor, Harry has been . . .optimistic. Luna told them Nova escaped, and that gave Harry hope. 

"I'd like to know why I've been called," Minerva McGonagall stated with pursed lips. 

For the first time since she arrived, Hermione looked up. All the Weasleys (minus Percy) were here. Ginny was with Luna, holding her hand like her life depended upon it. George was rubbing circles on his girlfriend's back. Fred, for the first time in his life, was quiet. Blaise and Theo stood off to the side Ron and Harry sat side by side on the couch. Remus paced anxiously. McGonagall looked annoyed but interested. Bill and Fleur sat on chairs. Tonks was bouncing Teddy in her arms. Charlie was leaning against to wall, Oliver Wood stood beside him. Dean stood in the back, unsure if he was supposed to be there. 

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