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After a long explanation, Nova finally spoke. 

"So . . . let me get this straight," Nova said. "Not only do I have two fathers, which is okay by the way, but one's a werewolf and the other is an illegal half bitch responsible for killing twelve Muggles and one of his best friends. The illegal bitch also happens to be the reason my best friend's parents and my godparents are dead. The werewolf is addicted to chocolate and is my Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor who his currently helping his ex-fiance."

"Yes." Remus clarified. 

"Wait! Ex-fiance? He never technically broke up . . ." Sirus trailed off. Remus shot him a look that clearly said "not the time". 

"Now, both my fathers are trying to kill my best friend," Nova said. 

"No." both men responded, but Nova ignored them. 

"My werewolf father had me erased from his memory by some old man." Nova continued. "And for me to be born, my fathers had to go through some stupid procedure. Essentially meaning I'm born from pure magic. And should some Dark Lord or Voldemort rise, I'll be a target. And should I birth a child, they will also be targetted."

"That would be correct." Remus said. 

"Merlin!" Nova yelled, startling everyone. "Could my life get any crazier?"

The universe apparently took that as a bet for her next several years were filled with nothing but chaos.

"Now, if we could move-" Sirius began. 

"Zip it, Snuffles," Nova demanded. 

"My name isn't Snuffles!"

"Well . . . you are technically my bitch and I named you Snuffles . . ." Nova said. 

"I still can't believe you came upon a big black dog that looks like the damn Grim and your immediate thought was 'Imma name him Snuffles'!" Harry stated. 

"In her defense . . ." Ron began. "She thinks dragons are cuddly creatures."

"Enough!" Remus yelled. "We are moving on with the story."

Nova snapped her figures. Her wand flew to her hand. Everyone stared at her appalled. 

"I personally think you two are both complete and utter wankers," Nova said pointing to her fathers. "So . . . I'd rather have my wand on hand in case I need to hex someone."

"But how did you just summon your wand?" Ron stammered. 

"Oh. I've been practicing that for a while now. Besides, I'm the 'miracle baby' or whatever." Nova shrugged. "Oh and before we continue, please return the sticks of magical wood we people use to help with ou magic."

"No," Sirius stated. 

"I wasn't asking," Nova responded. 

Sirius looked at Remus. 

"Don't look at me!" Remus objected. "She gets it from you!"

"Alright, old men, hand'em over," Nova ordered. 

"There," said Lupin, sticking his own wand back into his belt."You're armed, we're not. Now, will you listen?" 

"Would be nice if we had popcorn," Nova shrugged. 

"Love, you can't be serious," Harry said. 

"Of course I'm not. He is!" Nova said pointing at Black. 

"Oh, Merlin," Remus grumbled. "There's two of them."

Nova batted her eyelashes innocently. 

"Can I please get some popcorn with extra butter?" Nova asked sweetly. 

Both men melted before her. 

Remus took out his wand, and waved it, summoning popcorn.

"Sweet! Thanks!" Nova said, eating some popcorn. "Want some?" She offered. 

Everyone shook their heads. 

"Alright then, more for me." Nova said. "If we can move on . . . I want to know if I need to kill my fathers or not."

"If you haven't been helping him," Harry said, with a furious glance at Black, "how did you know he was here?" 

"The map," said Lupin. "The Marauder's Map. I was in my office examining it —" 

"You know how to work it?" Harry said suspiciously. 

"Of course I know how to work it," said Lupin, waving his hand impatiently. "I helped write it. I'm Moony — that was my friends' nickname for me at school." 

"You wrote — ?" Harry began. 

"Wicked!" Nova exclaimed. "I'm the daughter of a Marauder!"

"I'm Padfoot," Black stated. 

"Wicked! I'm the daughter of two Marauders!" Nova exclaimed happily. Then her face turned hard. "Don't think I won't hesitate to turn you in if you harm a single head on Harry, Ron, or Hermione's heads."

"The important thing is, I was watching it carefully this evening because I had an idea that you, Nova, Ron, and Hermione might try and sneak out of the castle to visit Hagrid before his hippogriff was executed. And I was right, wasn't I?" 

He had started to pace up and down, looking at them. Little patches of dust rose at his feet. 

"You might have been wearing your father's old cloak, Harry —" 

"How d'you know about the cloak?" 

"The number of times I saw James disappearing under it. . . ," said Lupin, waving an impatient hand again. "The point is, even if you're wearing an Invisibility Cloak, you still show up on the Marauder's Map. I watched you cross the grounds and enter Hagrid's hut. Twenty minutes later, you left Hagrid's, and set off back toward the castle. But you were now accompanied by somebody else." 

"What?" said Harry. "No, we weren't!" 

"I couldn't believe my eyes," said Lupin, still pacing, and ignoring Harry's interruption. "I thought the map must be malfunctioning. How could he be with you?"

"No one was with us!" said Harry.

"And then I saw another dot, moving fast toward you, labeled Sirius Black. . . . I saw him collide with you; I watched as he pulled two of you into the Whomping Willow —" 

"One of us!" Ron said angrily. 

"No, Ron," said Lupin. "Two of you." 

He had stopped his pacing, his eyes moving over Ron. 

"Oh, Merlin!" Nova exclaimed. "You can't mean-"

"I do!" Remus said. 

"B-but he's dead! Snuffles killed him!"

"No, I didn't." Black objected. 

"Do you think I could have a look at the rat?" Lupin said evenly turning to Ron. 

"What?" said Ron. "What's Scabbers got to do with it?" 

"Everything," said Lupin. "Could I see him, please?" 

Ron hesitated, then put a hand inside his robes. Scabbers emerged, thrashing desperately; Ron had to seize his long bald tail to stop him from escaping. Crookshanks stood up on Black's leg and made a soft hissing noise. 

Lupin moved closer to Ron. He seemed to be holding his breath as he gazed intently at Scabbers. 

"What?" Ron said again, holding Scabbers close to him, looking scared. "What's my rat got to do with anything?" 

"That's not a rat," croaked Sirius Black suddenly.

What d'you mean — of course, he's a rat —" 

"No, he's not," said Lupin quietly. "He's a wizard." 

"An Animagus," said Black, "by the name of Peter Pettigrew."

Author's Note:

Sorry, it's a shorter chapter. 

Just thought I'd leave everyone with a cliffhanger. 

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