Battle of the Seven Potters

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TW: Death

Harry watched as the Dursley's car left the driveway.

He was alone in the house he, sadly, grew up in. It was, as always, groomed to perfection. There wasn't a single thing out of place. Not even a speck of dust. 

Involuntarily, Harry thought of what his life would've been like without Voldemort. His parents would've been alive. Sirius wouldn't have gone to Azkaban. Nova would've been his best friend sooner and pulled pranks as they had done when they were younger, but stopped as the war came. 

In his mind, James Potter would've been the most embarrassing person at Harry's quidditch games. He'd cheer the loudest and make a scene. Lily Potter would've been like Remus; laid back but when it came to certain rules, there was no crossing them. Sirius would "give Harry tips on dating". They'd end in catastrophes and eventually stopped once Harry started dating Nova. 

"Nice place, eh?" An amused voice said from behind Harry, causing him to jump. "I much rather prefer Lupin Cottage. It's a bit too . . .clean . . .here."

Nova stood there in all her glory with a grin plastered upon her face. She leaned against one of Petunia Dursley's perfectly pristine walls. She wore her black leather jacket over Harry's grey hoodie and blue skinny jeans with black converses. 

"Welcome to the lovely Home of Dursley!" Harry grinned as he motioned to the wall with nothing but pictures of Dudley. It was like he was an advertiser for some new product. "This is what I call 'The Wall Of Duddikins'! It's a show-stopping attraction."

Nova giggled. "It's a shame his poetry isn't up there."

"Let's please not bring up his poetry," Harry pleaded. "The number of times I had to hear him recite it in his room . . ." Harry shuddered. "The worst part was when he asked me how they sounded."

Nova flopped onto Petunia's perfect couch. 

"I swear, if he talked about your hair one more time, I was going to stun him," Harry groaned as he flopped next to Nova. 

"You love my hair," Nova pointed out with a smirk.

"That's not the point!" Harry objected as he became flustered. "Don't even get me started on how he described your eyes! He said they were the color of almonds! Almonds! They are not the color of almonds!"

Nova tried desperately to stifle her laughter. Her attempts were unsuccessful. 

"He sounds like a love-struck James going on about what color Lily's eyes are," Sirius laughed. 

"You are aware this is your daughter, right?" Marlene raised an eyebrow. 

"Right . . .Bad, Potter! No!"

"Why are you here? I thought Mad-Eye was just coming," Harry stated as he and Nova laid down on the couch. Nova had her spine to the back of the couch as she curled into Harry's side. He laid on his back with his head on the armrest as his arms around her. 

"Change of plans. Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about," Nova assured as she inhaled Harry's cologne. "Moodster and I came up with a plan."

"I hate your plans."

"Too bad."

"If you die, I'm killing you."

"Goes both ways, darlin."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Ew." A voice said as they appeared. "Georgie! They're being cute again!"

The Weasley twins stood six feet tall. Their red hair was messy and freckles were like maps across their faces. 

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