Author's Note

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I will admit that Goblet of Fire is not one of my favorite books in the franchise. It is perhaps one of my least favorite. Also, Nova's story and character developes more in OOTP and DH.

Unlike Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire will not contain explicit details. 

What it will contain:

Moody's lesson on unforgivable curses

Champion selection

First Task

Yule Ball, and finding dates 

Ron and Hermione's fight

Second task

Hermione's hate mail

Sirius's visit (also him interrupting a date between Nova and a certain someone)

Third task

I know that Goblet of Fire is a favorite to a lot of people but for Nova's story (and my laziness and excitement to get to certain parts) there will be a lot more in Order of The Pheonix and Deathly Hallows. 

Also . . .as I have been planning other things to write, I have decided upon the following:

Jily Fanfic (kinda like a prequel to Nova's story with Wolfstar and Marlene and Dorcus)

Returners fanfic (basically everyone coming back from the dead after Moldy dies, does not include Nova's story)

And depending upon if I want to (and if you guys) want a sequel to Nova's story, I might write one. This would basically be their lives after the war and the healings process. 

Note . . .this does not necessarily mean Nova will be alive. 

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