What Are We?

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Author's Note:

This is one of my shorter chapters and serves as a halfway chapter of sorts. Anyways . . .enjoy!

The following morning, Nova woke up with a large grin upon her face. This was perhaps the first time she had smiled since Umbridge's arrival. Dressed in the normal school uniform, or at least Nova's version of it, she nearly skipped down to the Common Room. 

The Golden Quartet sat in the library upon Hermione's request. Nova wasn't opposed, she was doing more research on werewolves and the laws that affect them. Harry and Ron were a bit hesitant but gave in. 

Harry's green eyes were intensely starring at Nova as if wondering if last night actually happened. 

Harry noted she still rebelled against the dress code but in a more subtle way today. She wore the white button-up blouse and black pleated skirt, but she neglected the cardigan she was supposed to wear over the white shirt. She wore knee-high dark grey socks and her black high top converses. Her Gryffindor tie hung loosely around her neck, and her cloak was unfastened. 

In one swift movement, Nova had gracefully moved her caramel hair to on side of her head, causing her right side part to change to a left one. In the process, she moved all her hair off her shoulder, exposing her collar bone and jaw. 

Harry's breath hitched and he forced himself to look away. 

"Yeah! You better look away!" Regulus yelled. 

Dorcus threw a pillow at him. 

Nova found herself sneaking glances at Harry as her eyes scanned the page. Every time her eye drifted towards him, she forced herself to look away. 

A couple times, she would catch Harry's eye before smirking to herself and looking down. 

"Honestly, Ronald!" Hermione groaned as she turned back to her work after he bugged her about Victor. 

The two were too caught up in their own tension to notice Harry and Nova's. 

Harry discretely slide Nova a paper. 

Can we talk?- Har

Yeah. When? -Nox

Now. -Har

And how do you plan on escaping the bloodhounds? -Nox

I was hoping you had an idea. -Har

A small grin appeared on Nova's face as she rolled her eyes. 

"Harry, we need to discuss our plans for tonight's meeting," Nova whispered loud enough for Hermione and Ron to hear. 

"Why can't you discuss it here?" Ron asked loudly. 

"Because you're loud and we can't have you two knowing all of our plans for the D.A. meeting," Nova informed. "It takes part of the fun out of everything."

"Makes sense," Ron nodded. 

Hermione was too focused on her work to notice. 

The moment Harry and Nova left, he pulled her through the secret passageways to a room they discovered last year as they ran from Filch. They never told Ron and Hermione about it, they didn't want to. This was their place. 

The walls were the same white-grey they were when the duo found the room. Nova turned the old mattress in the corner into something new (with the help of Transfiguration and a lot of research). Instead of a lumpy mattress, a black futon stretch across one wall of the small room. Three red bean bags were in various corners of the room. A single black wooden coffee table stood proudly in the middle of the room. Pictures of Harry, Nova, and their friends decorated the walls. 

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