One Fight Into Another

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January faded into February. Ron and Harry had yet to apologize to Hermione. Therefore, Nova did not speak to them. 

Nova considered her actions to be petty and hypocritical.

She missed her friends. There was no point in denying it. She wanted nothing more to hear them laugh at her jokes. She wanted nothing more than to go on some crazy adventure as "The Golden Quartet" as people called them. 

But Nova was proving a point. 

As it turns out, Hermione was drowning in homework. She sat in a corner of a Common Room surrounded by books, parchment, and quills. Anytime someone would approach her, Hermione would snap. 

Nova was the only one Hermione didn't snap at. To simplify the reason, Hermione knew if she snapped at Nova, she would snap back. Also, Nova wouldn't stop bugging Hermione until she went down for meals and to take a break. 

Harry was grumpy. 

He normally was, but more so now. 

He and Ron still gave Hermione the silent treatment. His best friend was willingly ignoring him for 'choosing something petty like a broom over his best friend'. To add to it, before the holiday, he said things he wished he hadn't, and she had forgiven him. But now, until he and Hermione forgave each other, she wasn't talking to him. 

He wasn't sure why it bothered him that Nova chose Hermione over him. It bothered him more than he cared to admit. He didn't understand why she chose Hermione over him. 

As vain and narcissistic as it sounded, almost everyone would choose 'The Boy Who Lived' over a muggle-born. 

But then again, Nova wasn't most people. 

She was the type of person to do something, even if she didn't want to, just to prove a point. Her opinion wasn't easily swayed by what she read in the paper. She didn't care about fame or fortune. 

To add to it all, Harry couldn't have his broom back yet and there was a game approaching. 

The icing on the cake had to be that Harry had yet to make progress with the Patronus Charm. 

Nova, who mastered it in the second year, would've gladly helped Harry, had he not been an arsehole. Call her petty and she won't deny it. 

Her actual words might follow along the lines of:

"Then I'm a petty bitch."

Nova frequently went to see Hagrid and Snuffles. Even though Nova was supposed to be followed around everywhere she went, she managed to escape them. The charms Flickwick placed on the castle did not account for animagus forms. 

In which both father and daughter were animals. 

Moreover, they could slip past the wards. 

During the late hours of the night, when sleep was impossible, Nova would leave the castle. She wouldn't go far from the door, maybe a few yards. After almost freezing to death the first time, Nova began to use a heating charm. 

On this particular night, Nova wanted to meet Binky. Dumbledore had given Binky the power to apparate within Hogwarts grounds. Luckily, all Nova had to say was that she was worried about her house elf. 

Nova sat on the ground, ignoring the snow. Not long after she called Binky, did Snuffles appear.  

A large smile grew upon Nova's face as she caught sight of the big black dog. Snuffles seemed to be smirking as he trotted up to his daughter. He rested his head on her legs as she played with his ears and stroked his fur. 

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