Wood's Big Speech and Nova's Conspiracy Theories

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Author's Note: Ignore the fact that there is an iPod in the 1990s. Also, ignore the fact that some songs that will be mentioned in this book were not out in the time in which this story takes place. 

Nova laid on her back, stretching across a bench in the Gryffindor locker room. Her long caramel hair tied into a high ponytail as she tossed the red quaffle up in the air repeatedly. Desperate to escape the noise around her, she listened to Unbreakable by Madison Beer. She purposefully had her music loud enough so she couldn't hear the voice around her. 

She ignored Fred and George planning for their joke shop. 

She ignored Angelina and Katie's gossip. 

She ignored the fact Oliver was not present. 

She ignored Harry as he played with the snitch Nova got him for his birthday. She saw his lips moving to form words from the corners of her eyes, but the words didn't reach her ears. All she heard were the words of the song. 

We're gonna run through your fire
Like we've never been burned
We're gonna laugh out loud
Like we've never been hurt
We're gonna shout it out to the edge of the world
We're unbreakable
You're unbreakable

Of course, she knew it would be best if she listened to her friend ramble, as he does for her. However, Nova couldn't get last night's nightmare out of her head. 

The images of everyone she loved around her dying. The haunting voice in her ear. 

"It's all your fault," It would chant. The words came out more of a hiss. Somehow, Nova knew the voice belonged to 'The Great Almighty Voldemort', the man who lost a game of 'got your nose' with a baby. 

Call her selfish, but she wasn't going to leave her friends because of some nightmares. She might be dramatic, but this is a whole other level. Besides, she knew that nightmares stemmed from your worst fear. 

As of right now, none of her friends were in any danger. 

Besides Harry. 

However, Nova had complete faith in Dumbledore's abilities. 

She wasn't naive enough to not have a backup plan for if Daddy Dearest were to attack Harry. 

She knew Dumbledore was old. One piece of chicken down the trachea and Dumbledore be Dumbledead. Therefore, she needed a plan. 

If she saw the deranged mutt (obviously not Snuffles, Nova reminded herself, she adores that dog), she would approach it one of two ways. 

One, drag Harry by his ear in the opposite direction. 

Two, capture Sirius Black. 

She wasn't sure how in the bloody hell she was going to complete the second option. She was always one to make plans up as she goes. Therefore, winging it. 

Oliver Wood walked in, grabbing the attention of everyone on the team. His short brown hair was slightly windswept as if he had just gotten off his broom. Knowing Oliver, Nova figured he had. 

His brown eyes studied everyone in the room. 

He spoke in a shakey and desperate voice. It was a sound Nova didn't think could come from him. It was enough to make Nova pause her music and remove her headphones from her ears. 

"This is our last chance — my last chance — to win the Quidditch Cup," he told them, striding up and down in front of them."I'll be leaving at the end of this year. I'll never get another shot at it. 

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