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Nova was raging. 

The warehouse Nova and Moody were sent to scout was a bust. There was nothing there. No matter how many times Nova looked, there was nothing. 

It was just a regular old warehouse full of dust bunnies. 

As of now, the kick-arse duo nobody dares mess with was back at their training headquarters. 

Both were angry. 

When Nova got angry or intensely upset, everything came out. This meant she was feeling the pain from everything that happened at the Orphanage to her father's death. 

And it hurt. 

"What's wrong?" Moody asked gruffly as he noticed his young comrade struggling with something internally. 

Nova stayed silent. 

"Follow me," Moody ordered. 

Moody lead her to the opposite end of the warehouse and opened a door. 

Nova stepped through as lights flickered on. All four white walls but one were padded. Stacks of ceramic plates were n a stand to Nova's left. Punching bags hung from the ceiling. A boombox sat to Nova's right. 

"Ya know, Moodster," Nova said as she strolled over to a wooden baseball bat. "We should just swing this and hit Voldemort in his ugly arse face or down low. Hopefully, give him splinters while we're at it."

"Sirius, is your offspring joking, or is she for real?" Dorcus asked. "I would say joking but . . .she's your daughter and it's becoming really questionable."

"I think she's joking," Lily answered. 

"But I can so see her swing that bat at You-Know-Who like a boss bitch," Marlene added. 

"Good luck with that, Nox," Moody gave a gruff laugh. 

"Anyways . . ." Nova motioned around the room. "What is this about?"

"It's my rage room. This is what I do instead of therapy sessions like Andy suggested. I find throwing things and letting all my anger out can be therapeutic," Moody said. 

"So I just . . . throw stuff?" Nova asked. 

"That and you could release some magic," Moody stated before walking away. "Save me some plates! I'll be back in a few moments!"

Nova pointed her wand at the boombox in the corner. Instantly ACDC began to play. 

Hesitantly, Nova picked up a plate. 

Da's dead, and I could've saved him.

Nova threw the plates against the brick wall. She watched in great satisfaction as if broke. 

Plate after plate hit the wall. Each smashed in turn. 

Nova took all the anger that had been building inside of her for weeks and let it out. 


The mission was pointless.


No progress with Operation Peter Pan. 


Dumbledore . . .just Dumbledore.


Snape's ugly face. 


Bellatrix walking free.

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