Nova's Been Exposed

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The April air was humid as Snuffles walked through Hogsmeade. Eagerly, he searched for food. One wizard would set food out for him, but today there was no food. Moreover, he had to dumpster dive. 

If Prongs could see me now, Sirius thought bitterly, I'd never hear the end of it.

After finding half eaten chicken and devouring it, Snuffles found a news paper. He planned on ignoring it, assuming it was of him. But once he saw the title, the "mass murderer" eagerly grabbed the paper in his mouth and ran to the Shreaking Shack. 

Sirius, who changed out of his animagus form, sat and read the article. 

Daughter of Mass Murderer Disowned

Nova Lily Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and some unknown woman, was rumored to have been disowned from the House of Morgenstern over the Christmas Holidays. 

"She's arrogant and just like her father," Severus Snape, Potion's Master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, said when asked what the young Heiress is like. "Add on the daddy issues. She's horrible."

To which Miss Black responded with, "Of course I have 'daddy issues'! The things a man was supposed to teach I learned by time I was ten on my own"

Fiercly independent and self-reliant, Nova Black has a mind of her own.

"She's a young charismatic student with life." Said Minerva McGonagall, Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts. "She's a great student and an excellent Quidditch player."

Molly Weasley, the mother of seven and mother to a close friend of Black (Ronald Weasley), reports Miss Black to be "charming a sweet girl".

"She should be locked up with her father," Pansy Parkinson, classmate of Black, told Skeeter. 

"I find her rather delightful," Remus Lupin, Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, reports. "She is always found laughing with her friends, defending others against bullies, and helping the years below her."

The question remains:

Is Miss Black following in her father's footsteps?

Is Nova Black helping her father murder her 'best friend'?

Luckily during Easter Vacation, Daily Prophit reporters were able to question the girl when she appeared in Diagon Alley. She was found shopping for potions ingredients. 

Was she planning on poisoning someone? 

"I'm buying ingredients for a potion to help with the common cold," Black informed Skeeter. "It would appear my house-elf has fallen ill."

When asked if she was disowned, Miss Black responded without looking away from the shelves of ingredients as she gathered what she need to 'treat the common cold'. 

"It would appear you have gotten something correct for once, Skeeter" Black had said, her eyes flicking to the list in her hand. "I was disowned. In fact, I planned on running away."

Shocked by her bluntness, reporters questioned why a mere fourteen-year-old was going to run away. 

To which Miss Black responded with "I'm thirteen, actually. I won't be fourteen until June. But to answer your question, I did not and do not like their beliefs and methods. And if you are insinuating this has something to do with Sirius Black, you're more wrong than the no-nosed bastard, V********."

Upon using the name of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Black turned the corner and walked into another isle. 

"If you didn't leave for your father, why did you leave, Black?" Another reporter questioned. 

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