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Nova strolled into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, trailing behind Mad-Eye. She wore, you guessed it, one of Harry's hoodies. However, over the dark red hoodie, she wore the leather jacket her Da got her for Christmas. Her black ripped jeans and combat boots completed the look. 

While Nova's walk was more of a swagger of sorts, Moody's steps were uneven. Every step he took with his artificial leg was heard with a loud clunk. His thinking grey hair flew behind him slightly as he walked. The scars on his face were ever so grotesque, and his artificial eye swirled madly. 

Nova's luxurious hair, something she prided herself greatly upon, bounced with each step she took. As per usual, her caramel fell into messily perfect waves. A smirk-like grin, that many associated with Sirius, decorated her face. 

The two joined the small group that has gathered for the Order Metting that has not started yet. Minnie discussed something with Remus. Snape and Sirius glared at each other. Molly greeted Nova with a smile as she sat next to Oliver after performing their unnecessarily long and complicated handshake. Tonks, who had been talking with Remus and Minnie, greeted Nova with a smile. 

"Dads," Nova began turning to her fathers. "I need a new bed."

This drew everyone's attention. Of course there weren't many people in the room, but Nova always seemed to unintentionally draw the eyes of the crowds. 

"Why is that?" Remus asked hesitantly. 

"Harry and I broke the bed," Nova stated rather bluntly. 

Sirius spat his pumpkin juice out, hitting Snape in his large nose. 

"What?" Remus exclaimed. 

"Harry and I broke the bed," Nova repeated, confused why it was such a big deal. 

Both fathers looked ready to murder their godson. 

"Did you at least use protection?" Remus asked, raising an eyebrow as he pulled Sirius back to his seat. "Sit down," he hissed to his husband. 

"There were pillows on the floor . . ." Nova trailed off immensely confused. 

Oliver was finding the whole situation rather hilarious. Snape looked as though he wished to be anywhere else. Minnie was laughing at the fathers for having to deal with hormonal teenagers. Tonks was near tears from laughter.

"What goods a pillow gonna do?" Sirius yelled. 

"To cushion our fall . . ." Nova said. She wondered why her dads were making such a big deal about it. 

Remus's left eye began to twitch. 

In heaven, everyone (including Alex) were laughing their arses off. 

"They are totally taking this the wrong way!" James said through his laughter. 

"They were doing it by their age! What did you expect?" Marlene snorted. 

Tonks, clutching her small baby bump, was historical. Molly was completely flabbergasted. Fifteen-year-olds shouldn't be having sex!

"Nova," Minerva began calmly. "What exactly were you and Mister Potter doing?"

"Well, ya see," Nova began to tell her tale. "Harry challenged me-"

"Oh, so it's Harry's fault?" Sirius exclaimed, ready to murder his godson. 

"Yes, although he won't admit it." Nova began. "Anyways, as I was saying . . .We Blacks never back down from a challenge. It's like in the code of conduct or something."

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