The Dark Mark

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Nobody ever thinks about how they die.

Nova sure didn't.

She knew everyone and everything dies, but it wasn't until Voldemort's mark appeared in the sky did she start to ponder if she would have a premature death.

It wasn't until then did she stop and think. It wasn't until then did she fear for her life.

It wasn't until that moment did Nova discover she was terrified of dying. It wasn't until that moment Nova believed she feared her death above everything.

Dying meant she wouldn't get to be with her fathers.

Dying meant she couldn't eat ice cream.

Dying meant no Quidditch.

Dying meant she couldn't laugh with Ginny.

Dying meant she could rant about books with Hermione.

Dying meant she couldn't binge movies with Ron, eating as much as they could.

Dying meant no Harry.

Dying meant she wouldn't get to eat chocolate.

Dying meant she would get to prank with Fred and George.

She considered suicide before, Nova wouldn't lie. But that was before.

Before she had her dads.

Before she had Harry.

Before she had Ron.

Before she had Ginny.

Before she had Hermione.

Before she had Fred and George.

Before she had something to live for.

It wasn't until she heard Timmy's screams of terror and fear did Nova realize she feared something more than her own death.

She feared the loss of her family more than anything.

Nova had gone to sleep the night after Ireland's big win with a smile on her face. All around her cheers of celebration could be heard.

Much of her time spent before going to sleep was filled with singing, laughter, and teasing Ron for his Man Crush on Krum. The smile didn't fade from her face, not even as she slept.

She shot up like a bullet at the sounds of the panicked screams. She grabbed her wand and leather jacket before shaking Hermione and Ginny awake.

"Wake up!" Nova demanded to her friends. "Grab your wand! We have to go!"

Nova emerged from the girls' tent, wand in hand, and with Hermione and Ginny in toe. She wore nothing but black leggings, Remus's blue sweater, and her black leather jacket. Her caramel golden hair flew around her face as she searched frantically for her Harry and Ron.

Harry noted her face portrayed the fear she felt within for the first time.

Her wide and frantic honey-hazel met his emerald green ones and relaxed.

Bill, Charlie, and Percy emerged from the boys' tent before sprinting off towards the oncoming marchers.

"We're going to help the Ministry!" Arthur yelled to the group. "Get to the woods! Stick together!"

"Come on!" Fred shouted over the screams, grabbing Ginny's hand and running.

Nova grabbed Harry's hand and running after Fred.

The group was pushed and pulled in every which way as people rushed to safety.

The crowd's joustling caused Nova's hand to slip from Harry's.

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