Jungle Beards and the Hippie Class

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A/N I have NOTHING against Hippies. Just so ya know

The following morning, Nova woke up with a particularly bright smile upon her face as she waited for her friends. Her caramel-golden hair perfectly unkept, a perfect mix between a mess and perfection. Her red and golden Gryffindor tie hung loosely around her neck, and her white button-up shirt tucked into her grey skirt, but not too tight to see her figure, just enough for it to be loose but not too loose. The white shoelaces of her black converses were tucked into the shoe itself, instead of it being tied. Her Gryffindor cloak, which was supposed to be clasped closed, flowed freely, making it look more like a cape.  

Harry smiled at her appearance, but more specifically, her. Nothing seemed to have changed with the news of her father. She still rebelled against the dress code. However, she meticulously made it so she wasn't technically breaking the dress code. She wore all of the required clothing, but not, perhaps, in the way they wished. 

Harry frowned as he appeared next to her. He was not frowning because her honey eyes scanned the page of a book. He was not frowning because she wasn't wearing her extremely dorky adorable glasses that she rebelled against. He was not frowning because of her furrowed eyebrows as she read. He was not frowning because she could not hear him due to the music come from her iPod (which she charmed to work at Hogwarts). He was, however, frowning because of the growing bags under her eyes. 

"Oh, hello, Harry!" Nova greeted from the armchair she was curled upon, reading in her own little world. 

"'Morning, Nox," Harry smiled. "What're you doing up so early?" 

"What are you doing up this early, Har?" Nova responded, cocking an eyebrow while looking at him quizzically. 

In heaven, James and Lily Potter noted how similar to her father, Remus, did Nova look in that instant. Normally, she was compared to Sirius, but it was moments like these did Nova's inner Moony show. 

"She isn't baby Moonfoot for nothing", as James would say.

"I'm normally up this early. A habit I picked up while staying with the Dursleys," Harry stated, sitting in the adjacent chair from Nova. 

"What's to say I'm not up this early every morning, Darlin?" Nova asked, raising her eyebrow again. Harry watched curiously as Nova carefully twisted her hair into a messy bun, using her wand to secure the knot. 

"Well, love, it so happens that Hermione or I always have to drag you out of bed," Harry replied in a teasing tone. 

"Oi! I'm not that bad!" Nova protested with a laugh. 

"Nox, I literally had to carry you to breakfast!" Harry teased again, trying to hide his laughter. In their first year, Nova and Harry figure out a charm they could use on the staircase, stopping it from turning into a slide. 

"In my defense, I didn't have my chocolate chip pancakes yet," Nova defended, looking over at her book again, hoping Harry would forget what the conversation was about. Unfortunately, Harry was Harry and remembered almost everything about Nova. 

"That doesn't answer my question, love," Harry stated, his voice laced with mild concern. 

"Don't you know?" Nova asked, flashing him a bright smile. "The rising sun does wonders for my pores."

Nova's statement was nothing less than a lie. In truth, she didn't know whether or not the rising sun did anything for her skin, it was the first thing that came to her mind.  In reality, she had a nightmare. She barely slept a wink. Nightmares of her father killing Harry plagued her. Soon, the nightmares turned more violent. Instead of just Harry dying, Hermione died. Then Ron. Then Fred and George. Then the rest of the Weasleys. Even her cat, Shadow met the end. 

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