'Bout To Do My Dancy Dance

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The morning of Christmas, Nova woke up to Binky waking her. 

"'Morning, Binks," Nova mumbled. 

"I just wanted to thank Mistress for the Christmas dress she gave me," Binky smiled wearing a velvet red dress Nova gave her. 

Most of the summer, when she wasn't at Lupin Cottage, Nova spent with Binky and Kreacher. With the help of two house-elves (and occasionally Remus when there was some nasty creature in need of removal), Nova renovated the old Black House. When they weren't renovating, Nova was working with the two house-elves and their pronouns. 

So far she had the kitchen, dining room, and five bedrooms renovated. She was in the middle of clearing out the library when she retrieved Harry and hadn't returned since. 

Kreacher was almost a completely different house-elf with Nova. He was kind and sweet. Nova's only worry was how he'll react around others. She knew her grandparents forced him to think everyone other than purebloods was scum. 

"I'm glad you like it, Binky. Can you please call me 'Nova'?" Nova asked. 

"Walburga wished for me to give you a message," Binky informed. 

"Alright, what is it?" 

"She says 'Happy Christmas. Good luck with the tournament. Stay away from mudbloods!'" Binky repeated. 

"Of course she did," Nova groaned. "Did Kreacher like his gift?"

As a joke of sorts, Nova gave Kreacher a new cooking pan. She knew the elf secretly loved to cook, but would never say. There was also the time Kreacher tried to beat the living daylights out of some muggle boys with a frying pan when they were bugging Nova as she walked back to the house. Then there was the time Kreacher did beat some animal with a frying pan. 

Nova found it rather hilarious. 

"He loved it! He didn't say that though. He said he was grateful, and tried not to act like it meant a lot to him. But he was almost crying, Mistress," Binky informed. 

"Thank you, Binky," Nova said, sitting up. 

"Good luck on your date with Mr.Diggory," Binky smiled before disappearing. 

Nova's face ran hot at the mention of the Yule Ball tonight. 

Going back to sleep wasn't an option. Nova called upon Binky once more, and asked for some pots and pans. Confused, Binky gave them to her. 

Slowly, Nova crept into the boys' dorm.  

Seamus had thrown his covers off his bed and slept with his mouth wide open. Dean slept peacefully, burrowed under a mountain of blankets. Somehow, Seamus's blankets made it to Dean's bed. Soft breaths escaped Neville's mouth. They weren't snores, but mere little huffs. 

Ron, on the other hand, sounded like a grizzly bear. 

Harry slept towards the edge of his bed, as if saving enough room for some else to sleep next to him. He was curled under the covers, and soft almost silent snores escaped his mouth.

Quickly, the youngest Lupin-Black placed a silencing charm on the room. 

Nova began to bang the pots and pans together. 

"Wake up, hoes! It's Christmas!" Nova yelled. 

Neville and Dean jumped up in their beds. 

Seamus and Harry fell to the ground with a loud thump. 

Ron didn't move. 

Nova stalked across the room, and knelt down so her lips were next to his ear. 

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