Burn Baby Burn

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Remus and Nova both tensed. They knew Greyback was outside. Neither had the intention of exiting the Burrow. They planned to be ready to defend. But something changed. 

A fire lit in a perfect circle surrounding the house. 

But that's not what set Nova and Harry off. What set them off was the taunting of one person. 

That person was Bellatrix Lestrange. 

"I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK! I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK!" she said in a sickening voice. "COME AND GET ME!"

Remus lurched forward to grab his daughter, but with her training as a chaser, she was faster. She quickly dodged him and ran after Harry, who had longer legs making him run faster. 

Nova ran through the flames her black converses hitting the ground as she went. She could hear the shouts of her family as she went. She ran through the grass that stood taller than she was, pushing it away as she went. 

"NOVA LILY GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE!" Her father's voice rang through the air. 

"NOVA, FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE RUN FROM THE DANGER NOT TOWARDS IT!" Sirius yelled as he pulled at his hair. 

"Harry! Run away!" Lily pleaded. 

"I love how you're yelling at them to run and hide when you guys never did such thing," Regulus commented. 

"HOW AREN'T YOU PANICKING?" Marlene demanded. 

"I am. I'm just trying to be cool about it," Regulus stated. 

But Nova didn't hear him.

The only thing she heard was Bellatrix's taunts. 

Suddenly, it wasn't just Nova's name being shouted. 

"RONALD! GINEVRA!" Molly's shrill voice called. "FRED! GEORGE!"

Something in the back of Nova's mind told her to run back. But her hatred and vengeance made her forge on. 

"BILL, DON'T YOU DARE!" Molly yelled. "ARTHUR!"

Molly was forced to stay in the house with Teddy and Timmy as the others ran from the house. 

Remus had almost immediately ran after his daughter. Ron, not wanting to lose his best friends, followed with his wand at the ready. Ginny, ready to kick arse, chased. Fred and George were determined to protect their little siblings, by blood or not. Bill and Fleur both ran after them.  

"COME HERE YOU BITCH!" Nova yelled. 

Harry and the others had met in the middle of a small clearing. Their shoes were soaked. They looked around for Nova but she never came. 

Multiple people began to surround them . . .and it wasn't Remus and the others. 

"Back. Up." Fred ordered as Rudulphus neared them. 

Ron raised his wand defiantly as Matthew neared them. 

Bellatrix was lurking in the dark, watching the scene. She waited for the person she so desperately wanted. Between her and Greyback, Nova was practically screwed. 

"STUPEFY!" Harry yelled, attacking a Death Eater. 

Nova had spotted Bellatrix. Slowly, in her animagus form, she crept up on the woman. 

"PROTEGO!" Remus shouted, blocking the spells directed at the kids. 

Nova attacked Bellatrix. 

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" she seethed. 

Nova had dug her claws into her back, successfully drawing blood. 

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