Triwizard Tournament

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The rest of Nova's summer was rather boring or at least as boring as it could get at Lupin Cottage . . .

Although, she is officially scarred for life and learned the art of knocking . . .especially on her fathers' door.

"Why the hell do I need a dress?" Nova questioned her fathers as she read the school supplies list to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

"You'll have to wait and see," Remus smirked. Arthur told him, and he loved teasing Nova about not knowing.

"I hate it when you know something I don't!" Nova groaned and dropped her face into the cereal bowl, completely ignoring the fact there was already cereal and milk in it.

Sirius reached over, and lifted her head from the bowl only for it to flop back down once he let go.

"You look like Sirius after he discovered what a hangover was in third year," Remus laughed.

"What happened when after the Quidditch Cup when Uncle Prongs scored the winning shot . . . Before the snitch was caught of course? Didn't you guys get completely wasted or something?" Nova asked eagerly.

She loved hearing stories about her fathers' time at Hogwarts. She loved hearing all about the Marauders. She loved hearing about Aunt Flower, Aunt Marls, and Aunt Dorky (as Dadfoot demanded she call Dorcus).

"We don't have time for that, Lion," Sirius said. "You need to clean up, and get your trunk to leave."

Nova barked at him.

"Did you just bark at me?" Sirius asked.

In response, Nova barked back. Sirius barked at his daughter.

The barking battle went on for another five minutes before Remus had enough.

Nova hopped off the stoll she was sitting in and made her way to her room.

She quite literally threw her trunk down the stairs.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Remus asked.

"Well . . .you and Da always tell me to work smart not harder," Nova began. "I'm simply following your directions. Why carry my trunk downstairs when gravity will work much faster if I'm not restricting it."

Behind Remus, Sirius was trying to contain his laughter.

Meanwhile, Remus wondered how he ended up with two stubborn and brave smart assess.

Then he reminded himself they were his stubborn and brave smart asses.

"Now if baby Moonfoot will stop acting like a smart ass, we have a gift for her." Remus announced.

"Moonfoot?" Nova questioned.

"That's what James always called you. He refused to call you anything else. 'Hey, Moony, how's baby Moonfoot doin?' He always asked. Even when you were still in the machine." Sirius explained. "He tried convincing us to actually name you Moonfoot."

"Makes sense," Nova nodded.

Remus handed her a box. It was small, almost like it were made for an engagement ring.

"What is it? Nova asked, examining the cherry wood box.

"We have a matching one." Sirius explained. "You write a message on a piece of parchment and close the box. The message shall appear in our box."

"How will I know there is something in it? What's to stop someone else from opening?" Nova questioned eagerly, her inner Moony showing.

"A design will appear on the top." Remus answered. "And there's a code word like the Marauders Map."

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