Dumbledore's Army

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Dads  . . .-Moonfoot

Yes?- Moony

Wassup?- Dadfoot

I may or may not have started a rebellion . . .- Moonfoot

How in the bloody fucking hell did you manage that? -Moony

I didn't mean to! -Moonfoot

Bullshit!- Moony

I was minding my own business! - Moonfoot

Bullshit! - Moony

How would you know if I was minding my own business or no? -Moonfoot

You're Sirius's child. -Moony

You're my child. -Dadfoot

So . . .what did you do?-Moony

I didn't like the dress code. -Moonfoot

What did you do? -Dadfoot

I don't like the dress code. -Moonfoot

We understand that . . . but what did you do? -Moony

Well . . .One day I decided to wear my pajamas to school. Then two days ago, I got Harry, Ron, Seamus, Neville, Lee, and Dean to wear skirts. Fred and George went all out and wore acrylic nails, makeup, heels, and crop tops. I wore a tuxedo I altered to fit myself. -Moonfoot

That doesn't seem too bad. -Dadfoot

Well . . .the Hufflepuffs changed the password to their dorm so Umbitch can't get in. There was a lit arse party there last night. 87% of the Ravenclaw males are wearing plaid skirts. The Ravenclaw females rebelled against their cloaks and cardigans, changing them out for leather jackets and jean jackets. The Slytherins haven't rebelled. The Gryffindors. . . -Moonfoot

What? - Moony

Well, the Gryffindors had a party on the Astronomy tower the other night. When Umbitch came, we jumped, or in my case, waited till the last moment before Umbitch tried to grab me and fell backward free falling. -Moonfoot


Awesome!- Moony

REMUS! -Dadfoot

Right, sorry. How did you not die? -Moony

I'm too stubborn to die. -Moonfoot

Sure! Makes total sense! -Moony

Some of us summoned our brooms. Some people casted the spell Dumbles casted when Harry and I fell from our brooms in third year.- Moonfoot

So someone Aresto Momentum you?- Dadfoot

No.- Moonfoot

Then how did you not die?- Dadfoot

I'm too awesome for death. -Moonfoot

. . .I- . . .- Moony

There's also Harry.- Moonfoot

You didn't die because of Harry? -Dadfoot

Since I didn't want to be saved by Aresto Momentum, I made sure to "jump" after it was casted. Harry caught me. He was one of the few that summoned his broom. -Moonfoot

Why didn't you summon your broom? -Moony

I didn't want to. -Moonfoot

So basically students are rebelling against the dress code, changing passwords, and throwing parties? -Dadfoot

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