Daddy Dearest Tries To Kill My Favorite Ginger

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Crookshanks supposedly 'killing' Scabbers spark a new argument that split the Golden Quartet again. 

While Ron thought Crookshanks murdered his rat, Hermione claimed it could've been any ginger cat. 

Harry sided with Ron but wasn't openly hostile with Hermione. Personally, he didn't see why it was such a big deal, Scabbers was old anyways, he was bound to die soon. 

Nova became the mediator. She didn't have aside. She saw the possibility Crookshanks killed Scabbers, but she also knew there were several ginger-haired cats in Gryffindor Tower alone. 

For all they knew, the hair could easily belong to a person with orange hair. 

Not wanting Hermione to be alone, Nova spent half her time with her and the other half with the boys. 

She was emotionally and physically tired. 

Nova's nightmares returned and she lacked the ingredients to make more potion. She would've stolen some from Snape's personal stash, but she figured that he would automatically accuse her or Harry. She decided to wait till the Easter Holidays to get more. 

Her friends were divided because Ron believes Hermione's cat killed his rat. Nova simply wanted her friends to get along. She knew with those two, there was no luck. 

Nova luckily had one release from everything. 

Muggle combat. 

When she wasn't with her friends, seeing Snuffles, talking to Binky, or in class, Nova could be found in an empty classroom filled with crash mats and punching dummies. She even charmed one to attack her. 

It worked until it combusted. 

I'm on the highway to hell
On the highway to hell
Highway to hell
I'm on the highway to hell

'Breathe out. Jab.' Nova echoed in her mind as her music played in the background.

No stop sign
Speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down

Nova ducked as the dummy's fist came flying towards her head. 

Like a wheel
Gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me around

(A/N In case you didn't know, she is listening to "Highway to Hell" by AC DC. Which also happens to be her favorite song.)

Breathe out. 

Right-hand strike. 

Block on left. 


Nova wasn't sure how long she had been going, but she noted a change in song. 

Rising up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive

Something struck Nova in the side, causing her to lose her breath and stagger backward. She was still gasping for air when the dummy came back. She jumped back. 

Finally getting a hold of herself, Nova got into a fighting stance. 

So many times it happens too fast
You change your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive

Nova was light on her feet. She lept forward, striking the dummy with an uppercut in the jaw. 

The dummy couldn't feel a thing. To any living human being, their jaw would've broken. 

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