Quidditch Final

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While Harry got no sleep, Nova was able to sleep through the night. Not a single nightmare insight. 

Desperate to show her team spirit, Nova and Ginny decided to temporarily dye red streaks into Nova's hair. The dye was supposed to wear off after twenty-four hours. In the end, most of the color was towards the bottom of Nova's hair, making it more of an ombre dye with red tips and a few streaks. 

Nova and Ginny both agreed it looked better than either of them originally thought it would be. 

Ginny asked Nova if she could paint a lion on her face. Nova agreed. 

By the time Nova was finished, the sun began to rise and she heard all about Ginny's new friend. She is in Ravenclaw and in Ginny's year. She is very quiet and very sweet. She is a bit of an oddball, but Ginny didn't mind. 

Nova dressed in her Quidditch robes and Ginny sporting a jumper she stole from Fred, the two girls laughed as they took some Wizarding photos. 

"Ya know, Gin," Nova began with a smirk. "When you join the team, we'll be unstoppable."

"We shall face our opponents head-on!" Ginny exclaimed, pretending to hold a sword. 

"For we are Gryffindor!" Nova called. 

"Where the brave dwell at heart!" Ginny finished laughing. 

Nova knew this memory would be in her locket. 

After Ginny french braided Nova's hair, the two girls headed down for breakfast with the Gryffindor team. 

When they arrived, they were met by the applause of Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Gryffindors. Nova's grin didn't falter as she passed the hissing Slytherins. 

"Good luck, Nova!" Timmy grinned into Nova's stomach as he hugged the thirteen-year-old.

"Thanks, Timmy!" Nova said. "Can you do me a favor?"

Timmy had nodded eagerly. 

"Can you hold onto this for me?" Nova asked handing the boy a red scrunchy. He looked at it in awe. "It's sorta my good luck charm. I don't want to lose it."

"You're never getting that back, you know?" Harry asked as they watched Timmy run and join one of his friends. "That boy adores you."

"I know," Nova smiled fondly. 

Woods spent the whole breakfast ordering the team to eat. Nova, who was too nervous to eat, shoved a piece of toast into his face. 

"There." She had said. "You're so worried about us eating, you haven't eaten anything. Now, shut up, and eat your damn toast, Oli."

As the team stood once more, the Great Hall clapped again. 

"Good luck, Harry!" Nova heard Cho call. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Harry blush. 

Nova knew Harry had taken a liking to the girl after the match against Ravenclaw. She is beautiful. With her stupidly perfect flawless skin and her brown eyes. With her long and silky black hair and button nose. Of course, Harry would like her!

Nova wasn't sure why, but the fact irritated her. She wasn't sure why the fact Harry liking the Ravenclaw seeker caused her to go from disliking the girl to completely loathing her. 

However, Nova's dislike for her wasn't one-sided. It would appear Cho hated Nova the same if not more than Nova hated Cho. 

Too lost in thoughts of her hatred for Cho, Nova ran straight into somebody. The figure easily towered over Nova. He stood about a foot taller than her. His silver eyes looked down upon her with great kindness and his brown hair was neatly combed. 

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