Lions, Serpents, and Rejections

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Two weeks after the first D.A. meeting, the first Quidditch match of the season was going to be taking place. Gryffindor against Slytherin. Serpents against lions. 

Over the past two weeks, D.A. meetings were the highlight of many's weeks. 

Hermione had once again impressed Nova with her brilliance. She had created fake galleons to alert members of the D.A. of the next meeting. She did this by performing an extremely difficult spell. 

Nova's coin in particular would prove to be valuable in two years. 

In a more outspoken approach, Nova's Rebellion was causing maximum mayhem. For now, it was just wearing improper clothing, throwing parties, and small vandalism. Within the next few months, it would escalate. 

When she isn't getting her hand sliced open forming words that will forever be in her brain, Nova could be found running Dumbledore's Army alongside Harry.

When she wasn't with the D.A. she was continuously protesting against the dress code. Yesterday, she dressed like a country girl from Southern United States. She even so much as talked in a southern accent for the rest of the day. 

When she wasn't rebelling against the dress code, she could be found laughing with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. 

When she isn't with her friends, Nova is found tutoring Aiden, a Ravenclaw from her year, in transfiguration. His skin is darker than Dean's, and his hair is cut into a military buzz cut. His jaw was sharp and his face angular. He is extremely attractive. He is hilarious and a great guy. Nova can have hour-long conversations with him. 

But she loves Harry.

She's in love with Harry. 

She loves all of him. She loves his flaws. She loves his laugh. She loves his sass. She loves the crooked smile he wears. She loves the way he squints when he doesn't have his glasses. She loves the way his hair refuses to be tamed. She often finds herself wanting to run her fingers through it, hoping to somehow tame it. She loves the feeling of security she got when she was wrapped in his arms. She loves the feeling of knowing he'll be there. She loves his brains. She loves how he is a natural-born leader. She even loves his obliviousness. 

Speaking of his obliviousness . . .

Nova has been dropping not-so-subtle hints she loves him as more than friends. 

"I have a thing for guys with dark hair," Nova would say as she looked Harry in the eyes. She always said things like, "I have a soft spot for adorable cheeky dorks," or "I love the idea of having a Quidditch player as a boyfriend we can play and become competitive." She even went as far as to say, "I love green eyes. They're a forest I can always get lost in as they shine like emeralds."

Hell! Nova was even flirting with him!

Ginny and Hermione found it rather amusing. Ron also spent his time giving Hary subtle hints. 

Nova decided he was either extremely oblivious or just not interested. 

Ginny and Hermione, during Girls' Night, insisted he is in love with her.

Nova is starting to doubt it. She wouldn't deny that she has been hoping he has romantic feelings for her, but doubts circle through her mind. 

What if I have too much of a strong personality? What if I'm too flamboyant? What if I have too much fire? What if I'm not pretty enough? What if I'm not good enough? What if I'm not funny enough? What if I'm simply not enough?

Despite these thoughts, Nova refused to change who she is. 

She loves who she is. 

But she also hates herself. 

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