The Veil

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Author's Note:


Sirius's story DOES NOT END. He will have a continued part of the story. There will be Black Brother interactions (which is something I have been wanting to write), James and Sirius reunion (another thing I have been wanting to write), Sirius and Lily (best BROTP) reunion, Sirius and Marlene (best gaycons) reunion, and so many more reunions. 

I have had soooooo many ideas but for 98% of them to happen . . .Sirius has to die (yes i cried writing his death scene). 

Sirius's death will have a huge impact on my story. This would be around the time things take a bit of a darker turn (but not too dark there will still be humor). 

This will also be a huge milestone for Nova. 

Now, I will say this one time and one time only. STOP WITH THE DEATH THREATS. 

When I say this, I do not mean just me. I have seen several comments similar to the ones I have gotten on other fanfictions. I would also like to say as a writer (sorta) getting comments saying they'll kill me (despite my will to live already running low) are extremely discouraging. They are in no way funny. 

This shit is emotionally abusive and it needs to stop.  

I get it, you love the characters. I do too. But that's being a bit extra, and really just unnecessary. It pains me to even think that I have to make a notice like this, by the way. 

For the record, I did not write this story for you. I wrote it for me. I had too many ideas in my mind for this story to ignore. So . . .I. Made. It. Happen. 

This is my story and I will do what I want with it. If I want to kill off every single character, I will. 

I know in one of my earlier Author's Notes I said that you can voice your opinion, and I continue to stand by that. If you don't want me to do something with my story 1) too bad 2) a simple "Please don't do blah blah" or "Please don't kill so and so".

*seeing as I have a "platform" now so to speak (or at least a huge reading on this story) I will also continue to out on certain things

If you do not like the fact I killed Sirius . . .leave. You are here on your own free will. You might just miss some pretty awesome ideas I have for his character in particular. 

But if you want to leave . . .bye! Have fun!

As always, enjoy!

Nova stood in front of the Death Eaters unafraid. 

"Well isn't this such a lovely family reunion?" Nova said in a false excited voice. Attitude peeped from her every word. "We have Uncle Lucy there," Nova pointed to Malfoy. "Aunt Bella after her great Azkahban breakout," Nova said pointing at Bellatrix. "And the lovely Morgensterns. Binky is doing fine by the way."

"Brat!" Matthew Morgenstern hissed.

"Worthless girl," Greta snarled.

Nova took a step towards Bellatrix with a large grin on her face as she held out her left hand for her to shake.

All of Nova's friends looked at her with betrayal.

"Hi, Aunty Bella!" Nova greeted in a nice voice. "I'm Nova Black. Love the hair by the way."

It was when Nova introduced her as a 'Black' and not 'Lupin-Black' did the group (both on Earth and in heaven) know she was up to something.

"Are we sure the Dark Lord wants this one?" Greta sneered. "She's rather dumb She isn't even holding out the right hand. It's only proper."

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