Lupin vs Nova

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Harry, Hermione, and Nova sat on the cool ground, awaiting for the werewolf, four teenagers, an illegal rat, a ginger cat, and an accused mass murderer to leave the killer tree. 

While Hermione was biting her lip lost in thought, Harry gazed at Nova as she studied the stars in the sky. He wasn't sure what she saw, seeing as the clouds were blocking the view. 

Her arm was positioned behind her head as she twirled her wand. Her leather jacket and hoodie rose slightly, causing part of Nova's tone stomach to show. Her legs were crossed at the ankles. The moonlight made her eyes glow. Her golden hair fell loosely around her face. 

Nova's eyes met Harry's. He didn't register he had been caught until the smirk upon Nova's face grew. 

"Enjoy the view, darlin?" 

"Yes," was Harry's immediate response. 

"Nice to know," Nova smirked again as Harry blushed. 

"Harry?" Nova asked in a timid voice. 

"Yeah?" Harry responded. 

"Do you think my dads will get back together?" 

"I think it's a possibility," Harry informed, his green eyes were thoughtful. "I'm not good at reading body language like you are."

"Do you think they'll want me?"

"Love, you already said that Sirius asked you to live with him," Harry stated. 

"But do you think he asked out of love or obligation?" Nova asked. "Do you think that he might return me?"

Hermione spoke before Harry could answer. 

"Guys, there's something I don't understand. . . . Why didn't the dementors get Sirius? I remember them coming, and then I think I passed out . . . there were so many of them. . . ." 

Harry explained how the two different animals chased the dementors away. 

"Well. . ." Nova began. "The two animals were obviously patronuses. Powerful ones. The only question is who they belonged to."

"What did you say the animals were again?" Hermione asked. 

"There was a large cat . . .like a panther or something," Harry began. "And a male deer. A stag."

"Well . . . It wasn't Lupin. He can't even hold his wand right now." Nova offered up. "Wasn't Minnie, hers is a cat. Dumbles is with the minister. Can't be Sirius, he was right there with you."

"Didn't you see what they looked like?" said Hermione eagerly."Was it one of the teachers?" 

"No," said Harry. "He wasn't a teacher."

"But it must have been a really powerful wizard, to drive all those dementors away. . . . If the Patronus was shining so brightly, didn't it light him up? Couldn't you see — ?" 

"Yeah, I saw him," said Harry slowly. "But . . . maybe I imagined it. . . . I wasn't thinking straight. . . . I passed out right afterward. . . ." 

"Who did you think it was?" 

"I think —" Harry swallowed, knowing how strange this was going to sound. "I think it was my dad." 

Harry glanced up at Hermione and saw that her mouth was fully open now. She was gazing at him with a mixture of alarm and pity. 

"Harry, your dad's — well — dead," she said quietly. 

"I know that," said Harry quickly. 

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