The Burrow and The Manky Boot

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"Now, remember to speak very clearly," Remus warned.

Nova and Harry, with their trunks on hand, stood by the fireplace ready to travel by floo to the Weasley Residence.

"Don't worry, Pa, we'll be fine." Nova assured. "Besides, you'll be right behind us."

"Yeah, but your track record with floo is alarming," Sirius stated as he entered the room carrying Shadow in her carrier.

"Just because I 'accidentally' ended up in Hawaii once instead of Diagon Alley, doesn't mean I'm terrible with floo!" Nova objected.

"Yes it does," Remus piped up.

"Anyways," Sirius said giving Harry a hug goodbye. "Have fun at the Cup."

Then the illegal animagus turned to his daughter and tightly embraced her as if she were leaving forever.

"Da, I can't breathe," Nova mumbled into Sirius's shoulder.

Harry and Remus smiled at the two.

Harry found himself wishing he had a father that would embarrass him, and a mother that would smother him. 

He was happy for Nova. He just wished he had a family of his own. But as Ron constantly reminds him, he is always welcomed at the Weasleys, his friends are his family.

"No boys," Sirius stated as he held Nova at arms length. "No girls."

Nova rolled her eyes.

"I can't help that everyone loves me!" Nova exclaimed.

"But you can help the flirting," Sirius informed.

"But why would I do that?" Nova questioned.

Sirius looked to Remus for help. The man in question held up his hands in surrender.

"Don't look at me. She gets it from your half of the genes," Remus said.

"Curse my wonderful genes," Sirius grumbled.

Ten minutes and a knocked out Sirius later, the trio was finally able to leave.

Once Nova stepped through the fireplace, she was greeted by her favorite redheads.

"What up, Weasleys?" Nova called, throwing her hands up. "Your favorite person is here!"

There were shouts of celebration from the Weasley children, mainly Fred, George, and Ginny. Ron wasn't anywhere to be seen. Bill and Charlie stood off to the side laughing.

Harry fell through the fireplace following Nova. She had to grab his arm to steady him.

"I'm sorry for whatever my daughter has done," Remus apologized, stepping from the fireplace. "I haven't house trained her yet."

Nova crossed her arms and grumbled as Fred and George sniggered.

"She wasn't a problem, Remus," Molly assured with a kinda smile. "She's a sweet girl."

Nova stuck her tongue out at her father.

The twins sniggeered.

"What took you three so long?" Molly asked, pulling Harry into a bone-crushing hug. "You were due ten minutes ago."

"Oh!" Nova answered. "My dog, Snuffles, was upset by the thought of me leaving. We had to drug him just so he could calm down."

"Yeah. He spent ten minutes wailing," Harry added.

Remus stifled his laughter.

"Fred! What have you done with my-" Ron began to yell walking into the room, but stopped once he saw Lupin. "Well this is awkward . . . Hello, Professor."

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