Midnight Astronomy Talks and Lupin's Proposal

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When Harry and Nova were finally released from the Hospital Wing, they were subjected to Malfoy's taunts, or at least Harry was. Draco didn't taunt Nova. 

All of Potions class, Malfoy entertained himself by pretending to be a dementor. He of course didn't need to pretend to be one, he, much like Snape, left the air void of happiness. 

Nova ignored her cousin. 

She thought of the way the Morgensterns raised her. They raised her to be a prissy and stuck up pureblood witch. They raised her to act like a snobby princess as if she were royalty. Or, at least they tried. 

Nova, although she acted proud and cocky, wasn't stuck up. She didn't rub the extensive amount of money she had in people's faces. 

She wasn't like her cousin. 

Draco's actions made Nova wonder. 

What if he was raised the same way she was?

What if he is tortured into obedience?

Of course, the way he was raised didn't excuse his actions. Nova, who was raised in what she assumed to be similar conditions as her cousin, did not act in such a way. 

What if he needed a positive influence in his life? 

What if she could be that positive influence?

Nova looked up at her cousin as he taunted her best friend. Her anger made her blood boil. 

He isn't making it easy to sympathize with him, is he? Nova thought to herself bitterly. 

Ron, who finally had enough of Malfoy's taunts, yeeted (or, chucked) a crocodile heart at him. Ron's aim was immaculate in Nova's opinion, hitting Malfoy right in the face. 

Snape, however, was less than pleased. He took off fifty points from Gryffindor for Ron's actions. 

Luckily, they were dismissed, and the Quartet made their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts. 

DADA has become a favorite class amongst most students at Hogwarts. Nova certainly agreed. As much as she loved Transfiguration and Charms, she loved DADA. 

"If Snape's teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts again, I'mskiving off," said Ron as they headed toward Lupin's classroom after lunch. "Check who's in there, Hermione." 

Hermione peered around the classroom door.  Her warm chocolate eyes turning back to her friends as she spoke, "It's okay!"

"Thank Merlin you're back, Mr.Chocolate Man!" Nova yelled, walking into the classroom. Her caramel golden hair was in a fishtail braid, which Ginny insisted upon doing. Nova, who secretly loved her hair being played with, allowed Ginny to make the braid. 

"I hope you weren't much trouble for Professor Snape, Nova," Lupin said sincerely. He was almost positive Nova caused trouble, she was his daughter after all. 

Lupin, who still looked sickly, appeared to look better than he had when he visited Nova, Harry had noted. 

Nova pretended to be hurt by Lupin's insinuation. 

"Me?" Nova faked gasped. "Trouble? Deer, (A/N heheheh) me! I don't even know the meaning of the word!" 

"So you didn't cause problems?" Lupin asked, raising an eyebrow. Their interaction looked similar to a father asking if their child if they had caused problems for their babysitter. Most found it hilarious, not knowing that is essentially what was happening. 

"Of course not!" Nova stated, sitting next to Hermione. 

"Oh so yelling and sassing Snape isn't causing trouble?" Seamus asked in a teasing tone. 

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