Nova Meets the Cullens

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Seamus Finnigain and Timothy Fawley sat in the Room of Requirement. 

The later of the two had grow nearly two feet, making him six feet tall. His dirty blonde hair was splayed across his forehead as Madam Pomfrey tended to his wounds. 

At least thirty students sat in the Room of Requirement, waiting for the latest broadcast to come one. 

Most were beaten and battered beyond recognition. 

"Welcome back to another broadcast of Potterwatch," Fred Weasley stated. "I'm Rapier. Today I'm joined by Romulus."

"We ask everyone to refer to The Pheonix Diaries whenever they can." Remus Lupin said. Everyone noticed how hollowed her sounded. "Spells and charms could be used around your residence that could save your life."

"Since our last broadcast, a total of fifteen fatalities occur," Fred said solemly. 

Seamus listened eagerly. He needed to know if Dean was alive. If Nova was alive. If Harry and Ron were alive. If Hermione and Ginny were alive. 

But mainly Dean. 

Relief flooded Seamus's heart when none of the names her dreaded to hear was heard. 

"We also have a special message from Nova Lupin-Black," Remus stated after he cleared his throat. 

Almost everyone perked up. 


Nova was alive?

"Hello, Potterwatch," came the familiar voice of Nova. "I hope you are safe when you hear this message, but there is a chance you have already lost someone. 

"I know how hard it can be to lost someone. To feel like the walls surrounding your heart collapsed in on themselves. To feel lost in the grand sea." she said. "It's hard to heal. It hurts like a son of a bitch. But grief can only hurt as long as you allow it to. I'm not saying don't grieve. I'm saying to not let the grief consume you. I'm saying to get back on your feet and fight.

"I know what it's like to be afraid." she informed. "I know what it's like to want to curl into ball and hide were nothing and no one can reach you. It's normal to be afraid. It's okay to be afraid. 

"What's not okay is allowing the fear to swallow you whole. It's not okay to allow your fear to stop you. It's not okay to allow your fear to stop you from fighting." She said with immense passion. "You need to keep fighting. Every person counts. Every person matters. If you stop fighting, we lost the war. If you stop fighting, you're letting them win. If you stop fighting, you're giving up a decent life."

Seamus looked around the room. He noticed with immense pride that the students seemed to be gaining spirits. 

It's always been one of Nova's talents. She has a way with words. 

"I have been held prisoner by Death Eaters since August. I've been tortured. I've had my body pushed to the point of breaking. I've been starved. I've been alone. I've had my soul crushed." She stated fiercly. "I'm. Still. Fighting. If you stop fighting, what I went through will become something that's normal. It will become something we all have to face.

"I understand feeling like there is no light at the end of the tunnel," Nova said. "I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, therefore it isn't there. But that's because something blocking it. Sometimes, you have to blast your way through the tunnel in order to see the other side. It's your fate, and you can control it."


The Cullens, a family of vampires, were hunting in a forest. As they ran, trees flew past them. They could hear things from miles away. They could smell things, leading them to be the best of trackers. 

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