Nova Says 'No'

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"Harry Potter and Nova Black."

In heaven, the group froze. Then, chaos broke. 

Lily, James, and Regulus were yelling at the screen. 

"They're just kids!" Lily yelled. 

"They didn't put their names in!" James protested. 

"Go, Nova!" Regulus declared. Everyone turned to him. "I mean . . .boo! No! They didn't put their names in!"

Marlene began to smirk.

"What's got you smirking about?" Dorcus asked, drawing everyone's attention towards her fiance. 

"I'm ready for Dumbledore to get thrown by Sirius or Remus," Marlene grinned. 

Nova went stock still. She was completely aware of everyone's eyes on her and Harry. Her breathing became quick with both fear and fury. Her ears rang. But it wasn't like church bells, it was more like a muffled siren. 

No one applauded. 

Her eyes drifted down the table. All the Gryffindors were staring at them with open mouths. 

Hermione and Ron stared at them blankly. 

She heard Harry murmur something, but it was blocked by the pure white-hot rage the flowed through her veins. 

She stood up abruptly, standing in the middle of The Great Hall, her eyes flickering between Dumbledore and Crouch. 

"There is no fucking way I am competing!" She seethed. "And nor is Harry. We did not put our names in the damn goblet."

"Clearly you did," Crouch spoke in a stone voice. 

"We. Did. Not." Nova spoke again, her glare settling on Crouch. 

Minerva noted how similar it looked to Remus's, and his is bloody terrifying. 

"If I put my name in your goblet, I would've up 'Lupin-Black' not whatever the hell thing you said," Nova stated. 

"Miss Lupin-Black, Mr.Potter, please join the other champions," Dumbledore stated with an underlying demand. 

"No bloody way." Nova crossed her arms, standing defiantly. 

Harry finally stood, grabbing Nova's arm and dragging her towards the other champions. 

"Well...through the door, Harry, Nova," said Dumbledore. He wasn't smiling.

The duo walked along the teachers' table.  Hagrid was seated right at the end. He did not wink at Harry and Nova, or wave, or give any of his usual signs of greeting. He looked completely astonished and stared at the duo as they passed like everyone else. Harry, still pulling Nova along, went through the door out of the Great Hall and found himself in a smaller room, lined with paintings of witches and wizards.

Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, and Fleur Delacour were grouped around the fire. They looked strangely impressive, silhouetted against the flames. Krum, hunched-up and brooding, was leaning against the mantelpiece, slightly apart from the other two. Cedric was standing with his hands behind his back, staring into the fire. Fleur Delacour looked around when Harry and Nova walked in and threw back her sheet of long, silvery hair. 

"What is it?" she said. "Do zey want us back in ze Hall?"

Cedric turned, and smile at Nova. She didn't smile back. Her face was whiter than a ghost in fear, but her eyes were wild with fury. 

"Non. Le gobelet a craché nos noms. Nous ne les avons pas mis là-dedans. Je ne veux pas concourir." Nova spoke to Fleur in french. (Translation: No. The goblet spit out our names. We didn't put them in. I don't want to compete.)

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