I Said No Boys!

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Nova sat in her room at Grimmauld Place treating her hand. On the last day of term, Umbridge had Nova serve detention for no reason. Instead of spending a normal two hours with the toad, she was forced to spend seven. 

On top of that, she was forced to stay at Hogwart after Arthur's attack. This obviously angered Nova, who was going to Grimmauld Place for Christmas to begin with. According to her dads, they didn't want to wake her and let her sleep seeing as she "needed" it. 

No. It wasn't what he "needed". What she needed was to be at Grimmauld Place planning her rebellion, and finding a way for Blaise and Theo to escape (and Draco when he stops being a prat). She needed to be with the Order planning to stop Voldy Moldy. She needed to be there to comfort her friends. 

But here she was healing her hand without any help because she is too stubborn and independent to tell anyone. There's also the fact she knows her dads will go ballistic if they knew. 

Harry, Ron, and Hermione knew. However, Nova didn't tell them what her scars actually said. 

"What up child?" Sirius asked strolling into her room. 

Nova stopped dead in her tracks, dropping the bottle of hydrogen peroxide she was using to help heal her hand. The hand began to bleed again . . .a lot. Her honey hazel eyes were wide as they met her fathers. 

"Da . . ." Nova breathed out, knowing he was going to make a big deal out of it. 

"REMUS!" Sirius shouted, causing everyone in the house to wonder what happened. 

It occurred to Nova that it could look as though she had been partaking in self-harm. 

"Da, it's not what it looks like!" Nova said quickly. 


"STOP YOUR BLOODY YELLING! I'M RIGHT HERE!" Remus yelled as he moved to stand next to Sirius. "What the bloody hell happened?"

"Hickey gone wrong?" Nova questioned. 

"Oh sweet Merlin," Lily groaned.

The kids, who were hiding down the hallway listening in, all turned to look at Harry. Harry blushed deeply.

"You have a hickey on the back of your hand?" Remus raised an eyebrow his amber eyes meeting his daughter's. Her eyes, unlike his, have flecks of silver. 

"Who gave it to you?" Sirius demanded, ready to murder the boy. 

"Sirius! It's not a hickey!" Remus groaned at his illegal husband's stupidity.

"It is a hickey!" Nova insisted. "It's a hickey I got from . . .Shadow."

"Your cat gave you a hickey?" 

"Yes. With her claws." Nova assured. Her caramel hair was loosely tied into a bun. 

"You mean she scratched you?" Remus questioned.

"Yes, sir," Nova nodded.

"Then why does it spell words?" Sirius observed his ebony black curly hair was combed to perfection. "Hang on! What does it say?"

"It says . . ." Nova trailed off fishing for a lie. "That I'm a meany for cutting her cuddle time in half."

"Why'd you cut her cuddle time in half-?" Sirius began to ask.

Again, all the kids turned to look at Harry. They weren't supposed to know about the two being together but they found out last night after . . .

All the children (Ginny, Fred, George, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Nova) sat at the table the night before. Harry and Nova kept sneaking glances at each other.

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