Annual Celebration?

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Hello, readers!

I started writing this book about a year ago simply because I had nothing better to do and so many ideas. Today marks the one-year anniversary of "The Girl Who Fought". It also marks the day, I make sure my readers know how much I appreciate them. 

I've been struggling a lot mentally lately as a whole. My updates have been EXTREMELY slow. I took a break from wattpad completely. When I came back, some of the first comments I came back to were about how much you guys loved the stories I write and how much you guys stan me. It quite honestly motivated me to write again. Of course, it was hard to get back into the swing of things, but it's worth it. 

I would like to make a big thanks to every single one of you for commenting. You are truly hysterical. 

Bad / sad mood + read wattpad comments = good mood. 

Anyways . . . the following segment is almost like a "What If . . ." episode from the MCU. It will be starring the one and only Sirius Lupin-Black. 

Life following the death of Lily and James Potter was nothing but a rapid decline, especially for Sirius Black. Following the death of his two closest friends and the betrayal of another, he was thrown into Azkaban. All he had to remember his life before the pain were the ghostly memories and two photographs.

Memories of four boys ran rapidly through his mind. Memories of one becoming a brother and the other a lover. Memories of four girls that had a rocky start with the boys, but became closer than anything. 

A photograph that showed the group together one last time. A photograph Sirius ripped a part off of. A photograph Sirius spent his time looking at one face more than any other. A face with amber eyes and sandy hair. A face that brought him comfort and happiness. Standing next to the face, was one Sirius struggled to look at without sobbing; James Potter. 

The second photograph was one that always brought many thoughts. Some of them fond, others worry. The second was of a child no older than one month. She was the one person Sirius would do anything for without a second thought. He'd even cut off his hair for her. 

She was a bubbly baby. She was smiling and giggling in the photograph. Her amber eyes held such innocence. Innocence Sirius wanted to protect. Tuffs of caramel hair sprouted from her head, moving as she giggled. 

Nova Lily Lupin-Black. 

His pride and joy. 

His little exploding star. 

His little supernova. 

It was actually Remus who chose her name. Sirius didn't want to name her anything that had to do with stars, but Remus was persistent. A supernova itself is a powerful exploding star. In a poetic sense, she'd represent the end to a star, or in this case, the "old Black family". She'd be the start of a family that was much more and much more progressive. She'd be powerful in not only her magic but her words and knowledge. 

When Sirius broke out of Azkaban, she was the first person he looked for. It was certainly a pain to track where she was, but it's not every day you come across an article speaking about Morgenstern's Christmas Ball approaching in December. It's not every day you learn about them formally introducing the Black heiress; Nova Black. 

He spent about a week watching from the distance. He wanted nothing more than to see her but restrained himself for her safety. Yet, when she strolled into the woods with a bottle of firewhiskey one night, he got to meet her. 

She was everything he expected, but better. She had told him about her life simply because he would listen . . . and probably because he was Padfoot at the time. 

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