Dress Code?

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Umbridge created two more Educational Decrees. Both in which Nova knew for sure she would not obey.

The first prohibited students' clubs and gatherings. This meant there was no Quidditch, which greatly upset Nova. Luckily, Angelina got permission from the toad to continue the practice. It also meant there was no 'Illegal Defense Against the Dark Art' classes or meetings. It was illegal to begin with. This didn't exactly stop them .  . .they'd just have to be extra careful. 

There was great panic involved in the first of the decrees. Most of the Defense Group thought someone snitched, but they didn't know who. Nova and Hermione knew it would be painfully obvious who snitched. 

The night before the meeting, Hermione and Nova were thinking of consequences for the betrayal of the group. They didn't want another Pettigrew. 

Nova suggested something to cause immense humiliation, like making a hex causing them to make a fool of themselves in front of their crush. 

But the moment Hermione told Nova her idea, she was instantly on board. 

It causes both humiliation and pain. 

Nova had dug into her trunk to pull out a book of jinxes and hexes. The duo began to read through the book, finally deciding upon the perfect jinx. All they had to do, was alter it slightly. 

The second decree made Nova angrier than the first (mainly because she planned on going behind Umbitch's back with the defense group to begin with). The pink bitch enforced a strict dress code. Normally, the school dress code was flexible, leaving some choice up to the students. Normally, students were allowed to wear shoes of their choice and could decide to wear the cardigan. 

Now, boys were required to wear dress pants, dress shoes, their cloak, cardigan, white button-up shirt, and tie at all times. Now, girls were forced to wearing similar clothes as the boys. Instead of pants and men's dress shoes, the girls were forced into what Umbridge deemed "feminine appeal". This would include dark grey skirts, pantihose (extremely thin dress leggings), and black flats. 

Nova didn't actually hate the uniform, it was the simple fact she hated being told she had to wear. 

Nova, as per usual, had a plan to annoy the hell out of Umbridge. 

"Please!" Nova begged Fred, George, Seamus, Dean, Harry, Neville, Ron, and Lee. 

"But why?" Seamus asked his Irish accent thickening. 

"To protest!" Nova exclaimed. 

"I'll do it," Neville said quietly. Nova grinned, kissing his cheek.  

"Nev, I bloody love you!" She exclaimed happily. 

"I'll do it!" Harry said enthusiastically. 

"I see you, Harold," Marlene said lowly. 

"We dunno why you're begging-" Fred began. 

"We already agreed to yesterday." George finished. 

"Especially after your big show," Fred added. 

Yesterday upon hearing the news of the dress code, Nova immediately changed from her uniform. Instead of wearing something a Umbridge would approve of, she wore something to drive the toad insane. 

Nova swaggered into the Great Hall in her red and black plaid pajama pants and black fuzzy socks. She knew this wouldn't be enough to irritate Umbridge beyond s simple warning. As the daughter of two Marauders, that's not enough. 

Not only did the youngest Lupin-Black wear pajama pants and fuzzy socks to class, but she was also wearing a black zip-up hoodie. Her caramel hair was tied into a messy bun with her wand securing it in place. Her gold wire-rimmed glasses sat on her face.  

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