Ariel On Drugs Tried To Kill Me

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Nova slept soundly the night before the Second Task. She helped Harry research, as well as finding her own way to save her 'treasure' or whatever the egg called it. 

Nova designed a potion of her own she could use seeing as she was excellent at potions. Unfortunately, she isn't able to make Harry some of the potion since she isn't supposed to help him.

But since when did rules stop Harry Potter and Nova Black.


This is why they are helping each other in secret. 

Nova suggested the Bubble-Head charm. Unfortunately, Harry couldn't master it. Therefore, they needed to find another way. 

Meanwhile, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, a small french girl, and Kyle were meeting with Dumbledore. 

"Am I in trouble?" Ginny asked entering the room. She spotted Hermione. "Nevermind. 'Mione is here. There's no way I'm in trouble."

"Please sit, Miss Weasley," Dumbledore waved a hand summoning another chair. 

"Sir, what are we doing here?" Kyle asked, wearing his Hufflepuff robes. He had long curly blonde hair and soft blue eyes. He is tall and has a beater's build. In normal societal standards, he is rather good looking, but not Ginny's type.

But odd Ravenclaws with dreamy voices, long blonde hair, and blue eyes . . .

That hits spot on.

Especially if she is a female.

"For the next task, each champion is to retrieve something from the bottom of the lake," Dumbledore said, pushing teacups toward each of them "Drink." He paused. His blue eyes twinkled as each person took a cup. "These are prizes they hold dear."

"But, sir-" Hermione began to ask but silenced herself once she saw Dumbledore had more to say. 

"Do not interrupt me. You are these trophies. A spell will be casted upon you so you will be safe." Dumbledore spoke. Everyone's eyes widened. "My original plan was to have Mr.Potter retrieve Miss Black, seeing as she is the thing he values most and he for her. But seeing as they are both competing, that is not possible."

The four students and the young French girl that looks freakishly like Fleur remained quiet. 

"Gabrielle, you will be Fleur's thing to rescue," Dumbledore. "Miss Granger, you will be Mr.Krums." Hermione blushed a deep red and Ron's fury grew. "Mr. Weasley, you will be Mr. Potter's and, Miss Weasley, Miss Blacks -"

"Actually, it's Lupin-Black," Ginny corrected. "But I get the point."

"Kyle, Mr.Diggory will attempt to rescue you." 

"I will not allow Ginny to do this!" Ron stated, getting to his feet. "Put me under the damn lake. Fine. Put my sister . . .you got some screws loose, old man."

But faster than Snape running from shampoo, all five were asleep. 

The following morning, Nova woke to find Hermione's bed empty. Grumbling, Nova got dressed in the swimsuit that was ordered for Nova to wear. 

It's a typical red one-piece swimsuit with thick straps and a square neckline. The neckline wasn't too low for Nova's liking. She actually liked it. What she didn't like were the sparkly gold shorts that came with them. 

She knew they were certainly not something her fathers would approve of.

"Yeah no," Nova said to herself as she held up the shorts. They were small and shiny. "I may look hot, but I'd rather not have everyone staring at my arse with these holographic monstrosities."

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