Joint Custody

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In light of the most recent Quidditch game (AKA Ravenclaw squashing Hufflepuff like a bug), Gryffindor was back in the league. Oliver became more of a maniac than before. He went as far as to wake his team up in the early hours of the morning. 

Nova, who was finally getting sleep with the help of the Dreamless Sleep potion she brewed herself, was not pleased. 

"Nova! Work on throwing with your left arm, it's looking a little bit weak," Oliver called up to Nova as she sat on an outdated broom. In her opinion, it was worse than riding a fat mule that had no sense of direction. It would not obey which way she willed it to move, and she felt as if she were riding a snail. Of course, she was thankful she was allowed to borrow the broom, but it was infuriating. She constantly reminded herself people were less fortunate. 

Nova, out of anger, threw the ball at an unsuspecting Oliver Wood. In the end, it hit one of his broad shoulders. The impact of the throw obviously hurt Wood, but he pretended it didn't. 

"Hey, Oli! Check your right defense! Looking a lil weak there!" Nova called back angrily. 

"Black! Down here! Now!" Oliver ordered. 

"Yes, mom," Nova growled. She knew she needed to contain her anger and frustration. It was the simple matter she couldn't. Part of her didn't want to. Part of her wanted to unleash the hell she wanted to raise, but she kept inside. 

"What the bloody hell was that for?" Wood hissed. 

Nova stood a foot and a half away from her. She drew herself up to her full height, which admittedly wasn't a lot. Her head barely reached Oliver's chest, and she had to crane her neck to see his face. 

The rising sun casts light across the dark sky. 

"What was what for?" Nova asked. She wasn't trying to be innocent. There was no point. 

"Don't play stupid," Wood said in a strong and powerful voice. 

"Oh! You mean getting hit by a ball thrown at you by a little girl?" Nova said in a mocking tone. She knew she was being cruel, but at this point...

She. Didn't. Give. A. Fuck. 

"As a feminist, I shall say that I believe in girl power. I definitely know that you are a strong woman, not a little girl. And I definitely know that the quaffle didn't get blown off course by the wind." Oliver stated. His brown hair incidentally, whipping in the wind. 

"Well, Oli, why don't you look at the sky?" Nova asked. As expected, Oliver looked at the sky which was still dark. "What do you see?"

"I see the sky," Oliver stated bluntly. 

"What does the sky look like, dumbass?" Nova asked irritated. Oliver had always been a person Nova held the utmost respect for. However, right now, Nova was in desperate need of chocolate or some sleep. 

"I see the sun beginning to rise," Oliver answered. 

"Exactly!" Nova exclaimed. The rest of the team, who had landed, were intrigued by the argument happening. "That sun is NOT up yet! Therefore, I should still be sleeping!" 

"We need to win. Therefore, practicing." Oliver stated. 

"How am I supposed to play if all I want to do is sleep, you absolute wanker!" Nova roared. "I may not look like it, but I need my beauty sleep. I know I make beauty seem effortless, but I still need my sleep!"

Long story short, Nova won the argument. It's safe to say, Wood realized waking his team up too early could lead to problems on the pitch. 

On Monday, McGonagall wrote all the names of the students that were staying over the holidays. Ron claimed he couldn't deal with Percy long enough to last over Christmas break. Hermione claimed she needed to go to the Library. Harry, who wasn't going 'home' for obvious reasons, knew they were staying because of him. 

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