Sukuna pt 1

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Dubious Concent, very breif religious themes, manipulation

Spoiler: this takes place after the deal
Edit: a lovely tumblr reader helpfully informed that I've been working his name wrong this whole time. If course I'm not editing all the times but in power two I'll remember this

"So there's something I have yet to tell you about." You raise your face from your textbook and look over at Yuji.

It was Saturday and you two had agreed to study together well, you were studying, he was more or less watching you solve problems that "had too many letters to be math."

"What is it Yuji?" The pink haired boy scratched the back of his head as he looked anywhere but your face. You raise an inpatient eyebrow and glare at him over the rim of your glasses. "Let's talk about it today not tomorrow please."

A faint blush formed over the bridge of his nose as he made eye contact with you again. "Well you see, I kinda got a curse demon thing named Sakuna inside of my body cause I kinda ate 4 out of 20 of his fingers."

The room was filled with silence as Yuji waited for your response. You blinked once. Then twice. Then thrice. "Get the hell out my house Itadori." Was all you said as you returned to your book and mumbled a quick prayer.

"What seriously I didn't even get to explain!" You closed your book and threw it at him. "I am a child of God if you don't get yo demonic self out of my bubble of safety!" Yuji dogged the incoming stack of literature with a playful smile on his face.

"Aw come on Y/n, you haven't even met the guy! What happened to don't judge a book by it's cover?" You put a hand on your hip, "Yeah well this book doesn't have very good reviews."

You walked up to your desk drawer and pulled out a cross and a spray bottle you had blessed. "If you really got all that in ya guts, let me meet him then." A concerned face comes over Yuji's features. "Well uh...I was joking."

You cross your arms over your chest and trap your foot, Yuji gulps slowly and you can't help but notice his eyes briefly travel down. You drop your arms and wiggle your jello like body to get his attention.

"I don't think it's a good idea right now he hasn't shut up since we've got here." You roll your eyes, "Oh no backing out now, let me meet him since he has so much to say!"

You saunter up to Yuji with a smirk on your face, "Don't be a chicken, if I get in trouble you can just come save me can't you?" Yuji nodded but looked to the side still conflicted, "All right but only for a moment."

You shrugged and walk back to your bed,  truly not believing that your friend was 'cursed'. As you go to put your cross back, hands come to hold your waist. "Wow Yuji, take me to dinner first!"

Itadori doesn't respond and you tense as you feel a warm breath caresses your neck. "The hell…?" Turning around you look up at Yuji with a bored face. "Are you still doing your little demon bit?"

Yuji's eyes are closed but his mouth is spread wide in a grin as dark lines creep onto his smooth skin. To your complete horror, his eyes finally open along with two others from what you had first assumed to be some type of symmetrical scarring.

"Well would you look at that, the brat actually trusted me." You pull away, the harsh feeling of your desk behind you, burned like fire as you realised you had nowhere else to go.

"T-This can't be real, stop playing with me Yuji." A sharp smirk formed on Yuji's face but you knew it wasn't him. "Oh no this is as real as it gets sweet cheeks." The curse, Sakuna backs away from you and looks around your room.

"So this is a modern home now a days?" You slowly pork yourself away from your desk and back towards your front door. "This would be a dorm but yeah." Sakuna glances at you from the corner of his eyes and you violently found yourself standing in front of your bed.

"What the hell!?" You yell as you stumble in place. "Why are you trying to run dear, the party is just starting." You frown and  turn back to see Sakuna's grinning face. '

'forgive me Yuji but I'm about to beat your body to a pulp'

Calculated eyes go down your figure and you couldn't help but shiver with anticipation. "You know the kid was right. Ever since we arrived I couldn't stop talking about what a glorious piece of ass you were."

The new personality rolled Yuji's head in thought as he gazed at your pudgy figure, "Alot of ass it seems."

A presence formed behind you and rough hands enveloped your cheeks, turning your face to glare up at Sakuna. "I don't know if it's the foreigner blood in you but you're a gem doll!" Sakuna purred into your ear.

A warm tongue swipes your cheek and you cringe away. "Would you look at that, you kinda do taste like chocolate!" You jerk your body away from the giggling curse and wipe your face with the sleeve of your shirt. "Ya know I'm really starting not to like you dude."

Sakuna blinked with wide eyes, "Dude?"  The air around the two of you seemed to cool a multitude of degrees as an unseen force flings you at the wall above your bed. "Ow-" your complaint is cut off as Sakuna appears before you with the same wide eyes.

"You need to learn some damn manners 'dude'." Sakuna pushes you down on your back with one hand while the other props him up above you. "Let's get to know each other huh, have a lil fun?!"

Sakuna leans down and kisses you. It's harsh and unforgiving and consists mostly of gnashing teeth. It may have been your imagination but you swear you could taste hints of metallic forming on your swollen lips. Any further investigation is forgotten as Sakuna's tongue roughly explored your mouth, swallowing your whimpers.

You weakly raise a hand against his firm chest as he growled against your mouth. After long last, you were able to break away long enough to speak as air returned to your lungs, "Y-Yuji!"

Sakuna covers a hand over your mouth, "Not yet, I'm not finished." Sakuna looks at you for a moment, clearly annoyed. "Let's make a deal coco." Your nerves twitched at the nickname.

"Don't call me that, and why do you think I'd make a deal with you!?" Sakuna grinned as he squished your cheeks together with a mocking tone in his voice. "Because I have the power to hold your precious brat back long enough to snap your pretty little neck."

This of course was not true as per his previous agreement  but you didn't need to know that. "What kinda deal you talking about, it ain't got nothing to do with my soul do it?" Sakuna tossed his cotton candy head back with a honk of a laugh. "You mortals are so funny."

A bit of an adoring look came over Sakuna's face as he looked at you. The expression was so unexpected, for a moment you thought Itadori had regained control. "The deal is; I have 4 minutes to do whatever I want with you and then I hand the reigns back to pretty boy."

You glare into Sakuna's many eyes, "Promise?" Sakuna pressed a clawed hand across his heart and a sky smile washed over his face. "I make no promises I make deals."

I already got the rest but i kinda wanna hear y'all beg

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