Scream -Nishinoya

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This is for someone i meet on horny weeb tiktok i might not have finished haikyuu but iv met nishinoya in the anime so i think i can do this.

warning: overstimulation

You guys had just finished a practice game and everybody was in high spirits. As usual you waited for your boyfriend with some water and a towel. "You guys did good Nishi!" Nishinoya glanced at you with a tired smile as he got closer, "Yeah but we only won by two points." You pursed your lips and shook your head, "That only means that they were worthy opponents!" Nishinoya laughed at you and smiled in a way that made you warm.

"Your always know what to say huh?" You smirk, "Of course I do sugar, now reward me with a kiss!" You leaned down a bit to give your boyfriend access to your lips. You two didn't have a major height difference but it was big enough to cause a little strain when you were trying to be intimate. "Man I've already worked so hard today now I gotta work harder just to kiss my girlfriend?!" You laugh scratching behind your ear. Just then Tsukishima and Yamaguchi walk by, "Ha with proportions like that it's no wonder you can't satisfy her Yū!" Snickered Tsuki.

Nishinoya's eye twitched at that comment but chose to ignore it. You on the other hand didn't, "Not everybody can be Jolly the green giant like you Tsu!" Tsukishima rolled his eyes and kept walking. Nishinoya out a hand on your shoulder making you jump, "No worries babe that's just how he shows affection let's go home kay!?" You smiled, "You know I gotta protect you, he shouldn't have made that comment!" You and Nishinoya started walking towards the gym parking lot. "I mean it's not your fault your short!"

You didn't notice it but Nishinoya had stopped walking and was blankly staring at you as your searched for your keys in your purse. "Found em!" You say cheerfully twirling then around your finger. Nishinoya did nothing but nod and hop into the car. All the way home he was quite only responding to your questions and stories with "hmm" and "yeah". You were confused but just wrote it off to him being really tried after a lengthy game. You walked into the house kicking your shoes off and did a big stretch as you made your way into your room. You turn around and yelp tripping backwards onto the bed. "Nishi you scared me!"

Nishinoya didn't say anything at first as he slowly plopped into your lap gazing at you intently. "You want cuddles? Is that why you were so grumpy in the car." Nishinoya slightly nodded after thinking before grabbing your face and kissing you slowly. You moaned into the kiss and doing your best to resist grabbing Nishinoya's waist cause you knew that made him laugh. Nishinoya pushed you down to lay back sliding his hands down your arms before positioning them above your head.

You took no notice to this because this was his favorite position, what you did notice however was the steel coolness wrapping around your wrists and the loud and clear sound of  of something locking in place. "Nishinoya what are you....?" You bring your hands in your eye view as Nishinoya climbed off of you, going into the closest. You looked at the silver cuffs that were now delicately around your wrist. The way Nishinoya had cuffed them made you unable to bring your hands lower than your breasts. "What's going on babe?" You asked with caution as your boyfriend walked towards the bed holding something purple and small.

"Back in the gym.....Tsu said that I couldn't please you." You nodded recalling that momment. "Are you still mad at that Nishi? Don't listen to what he says you know he's a tease!" Nishinoya hummed as if acknowledging what you said but you could tell by the far away look in his eye that what you said went through one ear and out the other. "But you said it's not my fault becuase i was so short." You flexed in the cuffs swallowing shallowly as Nishinoya's gaze hardened as he made eye contact with you. "Nishinoya.. You know i didn't mean it like that, come on babe."

Nishinoya raised his hands to caress your face, "You know I'm not going to hurt you right?" He asked voice wavering in slight hurt. You hurriedly nodded your head, "Of course not i just want to let you know that I didn't mean it like that!" He nodded at your confession before staring down at the small object in his possession, "You hurt my feelings Y/N, so you need to be punished. What's your color?" Your eyes widened and your heart stuttered in anticipation.  Months ago you asked Nishinoya if he wanted to dable in more extreme things now to finally get it has you excited.

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