Sugar Daddy Endeavor

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I know I have requests I need to do, hop-off my massive bbc.

Don't know how the "sugar association" works so I'm winging it.

-Clueless DILF Endeavor with his chocolate sugar baby

-romantic fluff

-dribble of Dabi angst

This was never a hobby in life that Endeavor ever thought he'd partake in. In fact, a long time ago he had even ridiculed the old men that found comfort in the presence of a young woman who was only after their money. Yet here he was, 20 years later and a lot older, treating you to coffee.

Well, he had coffee, he doesn't know what sugary abomination in donut form you were currently devouring. You sat across from him kicking your legs rapidly and taking in his house decor. As you licked your fingers you finally focus your eyes on him and they twinkle with the slightest mischief.

"I can tell this is your first time doing this." Endeavor nodded with wide eyes looking as if he was ready to bolt at any minute. You stretch your arms above you and dust donut crust off your blouse, "Well I guess I can show you the ropes, but that'll cost you."

With a pained expression, Enji reached for his wallet before being cut off by a loud cackle, specifically yours. When you finished your hysterics, of course not without wiping a fake tear, you straightened up in your chair.

"You are so lucky, you got my attention, anyone else would have robbed you blind." Endeavor raised an eyebrow disbelieving, "Isn't taking my money the whole point of this arrangement?" Tilting your head in thought, you shrugged, "Yeah I guess you're right."

You cross your legs and intertwine your hands with a more serious look on your button features. "So first we must establish the rules that you have and then mine." Endeavor nodded in understanding before gazing off in thought. Coming to a quick decision, he sits up straighter as well; tall frame towering over you even in a sitting position.

"Well number one, the cookies in the right-hand cabinets are my daughter's, she stores them here to hid from her brother when he visits her house. So I'd greatly appreciate it if you didn't take them." You held your hand up for silence in fear you couldn't contain your laughter.

"What I mean is, what are you expecting from this relationship? A friend, a caretaker, intimacy?" You stand up and walk over to Endeavors damn near cowering form. You sit down on his massive left leg and cross your legs in a relaxed manner.

Endeavor strained to not look down at your opened shirt as you crossed your tan arms under them. "I guess, I-I'm looking for a companion." You looked up at Endeavor for a long while.

The ex-number 2 hero seemed rather stressed for someone who had not been on the battlefield. His previous 4-o'clock shadow had long since grown in as dim red that flickered in the light as if it would catch ablaze at any moment. He had deep crows feet surrounding eyes that never smiled and his previously blue eyes had naturally went gray.

"Honestly homie, you look like you need a friend." You stand up and take your place back in your chair before pulling out another bag of diabetes. "Homie..?" "Anyways, I think I can give you just what you need." Pulling out your phone, you hand it out to him expectantly and he takes it gingerly.


From that moment on, you and Todoroki Enji had become the strangest friends the world had ever seen. Of course, half the world had seen through the bullshit and declared you nothing more than a hired escort there to make Endeavor feel less lonely after his villainous marriage came to light.

No matter how you looked at it, that fact was true, but this had been the best "job" you've ever had in a while. On Sundays, you met him for tea and finger sandwiches that you ate over a game of chess that Endeavor happily taught you how to do, in return for you to teach him 'spades.'

Enji, being the recluse that he was his entire life, didn't bring much to the table in regards to activities to do and at times it felt like you were getting paid to keep him alive emotionally. So with the generousness of your heart, you add some of your own favorite things to do.

Movie nights were a must and you made it a goal to introduce him to some black classics like "The Wiz." "Good Times" and such. The look on your roommate's face when they walked in on you in the old man in matching bunny onesies (against his will of course) digging out to the Golden Girls theme songs.

You brought him Jamaican food you made at home to try and he particularly enjoyed itself...alone. He would also try to return the food favor by making traditional Japanese dishes....well he sure as hell tried.

"How do you not know how to make rice, isn't this you guys' base dish of life?!" You grunted as you used a fork to scrape at the decommissioned rice cooker, "I followed the instructions it says 250 minutes!" Enji stood next to you like a lost child, holding a large back of rice.

You press against the bag and squint at the nutrition label. Enji wearily looked at the once edible black tar in the pot, yelling in pain as you hit him with your fork. "Negro, that is carbohydrates 250 milligrams!" You ordered take out that day.


Like all no-strings-attached agreements of the world, someone caught feelings. You don't know if it was you, seeing Endeavor being defeated by the lack of affection your iguana gave him, or if it was him, watching you joking around with his daughter and son, even tossing him a bag of food when he went on a hopeless visit to see Touya in prison.

"What is this?" You slide your hands down the front of his chest to smoothen the wrinkles left. "Look, I know he hasn't let you visit him yet, but just in case he does, I learned that healing over food never hurts." it was equally as heartbreaking when Enji came back with dried tear tracks, stone-faced while cradling singed bread.

"Maybe next time Enji." You watched, lips pursed.

I didn't know how to finish it off but i didn't want to delete or leave it sitting there.

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