Say thank you Baby

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This is my 101 story on here
Buffish Y/n cause I've never written one

Also tall Y/n but then again Kaminari is 5,6 so it's not that hard

Allot of time skips cause I'm feeling a lil dry when it comes to proper transitions

Being seen as the stupid one in the friend group was often a burden, but it also opened new doors to the way one sees the world. This fact greatly applied to Kaminari. He was able to notice things that would have easily slipped underneath anyone else's radar.

He noticed how when no one else was looking, Jirou nibbled on her ear jacks in order to think harder. During the earliest years of U.A, he figured out that Aizawa would tap his foot rhythmically in 8 counts in order to stay awake. But something that he noticed almost constantly is your heated gaze whenever he came into the room, and he thrived in it.

Everyone knew that Denki Kaminari shared a strong perverted streak that rivaled Mineta's, and in all honesty, most couldn't fathom how you kept him on the reins as they all had the mindset that Denki was a slithering playboy. None of them knew how he truly was behind closed doors, they don't get to see what you see.

Although you two never dated in high school, the tension was there, electrifying the air as if a storm was near. Ignoring the fact you were both the same height made Denki feel minuscule in your presence. The knowing silence you demonstrated in everything you did made Kaminari crave to know how you ticked, what made you upset, what could make you laugh. Who were you behind the curtain?

It didn't help that the things he did know about you were limited to simplicity like your favorite color and preferred beverage. However a more heated question bore in the back of his mind every time he looked at your strong arms and focused eyes, 'Could he make such a driven person shake with pleasure?'

He never knew that answer would soon be flipped on him.


The first time you two saw each other since U.A, was at a bar 3 years after graduation. As a favor to an old friend, Denki worked part-time as he began building his hero career as a sidekick. He noticed you almost immediately when you entered the tinted doors. You had clearly come to blend in and relax but even he could tell that all eyes were on you including his. "Can I get an old-fashioned?" Denki watched your painted nails tap sporadically on the scratched countertop

Denki nodded, grabbing a large bottle of whiskey, "Coming right up Y/n!" Your body jerked at your name being called, forcing you to finally look in his direction with a shocked look on your face. "Kaminari, what are you doing here?" Using one hand, he dropped two cherries at the bottom of the glass, "It's just a part-time thing." Sliding your drink, Denki relaxes against the counter. It was a slow night so he was in no rush to get back to work.

"I'm surprised to see you here though." You shrugged sipping on your cocktail. "Was just passing through."

Denki nodded as he took in your figure, you always had a strong stature and over the years it had only been solidified. "So what has become of "Y/n the hero?' You finished your shot leaning back the best you could on the low back barstool. "Small jobs here and there, didn't want to be a sidekick." Denki huffs, placing a hand on his chin, "I'm not going to take offense to that."

A new customer comes in, forcing Denki to leave you in your own thoughts. As he turned a familiar feeling returned to him. That same feeling he used to get around you back at U.A.

You linger around the bar long past closing time, a heated gaze still following him as he worked. You ordered 2 more drinks ranging in sweetness and bitterness almost as if you were psyching yourself up for something. "Hey don't know if you know this, but everyone else is gone." Denki waltzes' back up to you with a smile.

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