Mother's Day

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Mamma's boy Shinsou supremacy, BBW MILF addition lmao, drunk baby talk, mommy used but not exactly mommy kink, feeling very loving today, quirk use

even though I can't have alcohol legally I've had it accidentally more times than I can count, and each time the shit taste like battery acid

Shinsou scanned clear glass cases searching for something he didn't even know he was looking for. All he knew was that he'd know when he'd see it. "Excuse me, sir, you look like you need help. If you don't mind I would love to provide you some assistance." Shinsou nodded, relief flowing through him not feeling as overwhelmed as he had before. The attendant walked him through the many aisles showing different collections and sales that they had.

Shinsou didn't care about the cost, he knew what the perfect gift was when he saw it and no price would stop him from getting it. "And here we have the mother's day collection, in a couple more weeks we will get our Fathers Day shipment as well." Shinsou was looking in the opposite direction of where the woman was pointing. In the distance, he saw something blue and sparkling. The attendant said nothing as she watched him wander off with a faint smile on her face.

The ring was gorgeous. The band was simple silver with an option to carve a date or name in the curve. However, the jewel is what caught his eye. A long while ago he briefly remembered that you said your favorite color was sky blue. This ring sparkled so bright and blue that your amazement when you described the color almost seemed to show through the ring as he gazed at it. "I want this one." The sales clerk pursed her lip, it was a pretty ring she did admit, but to buy it as a gift seemed to her personally. "Are you sure sir? We have better rings with a wider range of sizes for the gem."

If Shinsou was offended he didn't show it and simply looked at the ring, happy with his choice. If he noticed the clerk's annoyance as she watched him ring it up, he didn't care. Shinsou took the ring and left the store with a euphoric grin on his face. Being back in American (despite it being a business trip) left him feeling refreshed for once in his repetitive life, and it was all because if you.

You had met by chance, Shinsou's first time in America, was nothing less than a disaster. Getting left by his cab and almost getting ganged up on when he travled in the wrong neighborhood wasnt the best start to the forigen lifestyle that you may think it is. You were the one that saved him in the end, taking him back to your home ot wait out until his unit protection to come pick him up.

Now with this being his 10th time in America after being in a long distance relationship with you......he was still without a damn car forcing him to take the bus.

Throughout the ride he clenched the bag like a paranoid white woman thinking that today would be the day someone decided to hate crime him. Each wobbling bustle and shove a nearby passenger gave sent him on edge making him hold his breath until he got off. He arrived in a part of town that wasn't known for being the best. And for that reason, petty crimes and pest problems were rampant throughout the long stretch of empty apartments.

But there she was, a small little house that if being honest was barely hanging on to its foundation. A simple 2 bedroom, one-bath home that he'd come to find himself rather fond of. Thinking back, he remembered the first day he came and how earnestly you were cleaning in order to make the inside redeem the outside. That day had been fun as he sneakily helped you clean whenever you left him on the couch to fix something. You'd scold him and usher him to sit back down despite knowing he didn't understand a single thinng you said, staring at you with a dumb grin on his face.

Sitting on the front porch was your son Michael, when he came up to the porch steps the bay stood tall, always taking pride in his stature despite his young age. "What you doing back here eyes?" Shinsou smirked pulling out his wallet, "I'm just here to see your mother that's all. You do know what today is?" The brown-skinned boy scoffed at him swiping the 20 dollar bill begrudgingly, " Of course I know what today is, I'm trying to figure out what you plan to do with my momma? I'm tired of you acting like you my daddy and not asking for nothin in return." Shinsou hates the thought that all Michael saw in kindness was debt but before he can open his mouth you came tumbling out with a pantsless toddler on your hip, "Boy live Shinsou alone!"

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