Get Shiggy with it

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Shigaraki likes big girls end of story.


-Shigaraki loves your curves thats what attracted him int he first place.

6His favorite place to lay is you and he dares you to defy his wish of snuggle time.

-His favorite place to lay is you and he dares you to defy his wish of snuggle time.

-He's a bit of a chubby chaser but not in a creepy way. (Its in the creepy way)

-Will dust anybody who dares say something about your weight and considering the fact that this is Japan he's dusted allot of those bastards

-Your confidence in yourself is another he admires but he knows that your still very sensitive and will always comfort you if your feeling down

-He loves the food you cook especially the food you bring back from cook outs.

-He wont go to cook outs cause hes shy but he'll wait in the car while he looks like a pedo watching.

-Eventually you do drag him out and he damn near crys from how nice your family is

-Sticks to your grandma as soon as she calls him baby

-Can't play spades for shit and you have had to leave early a few times because of your uncle's getting ready to kill him

-Terrified of your hurting your little cousins but he will do everything they ask whether it's dusting a bug or letting the girls or clips in his hair.

-You know he loves them but he'll deny it and say he hates kids "Their only cute when their small"



-Shiggy likes to be in control dont get it twisted but he likes to see you ontop so he can see the damage he's doing to you.

-Mans will fuck you till you can't hold yourself up anymore

-Loves to give you head cause you have the habit of trying to close your legs

-He'll hold you down and just watch you cause you can't do nothing but take what he's giving you

-Into teasing you, "What's wrong baby is Daddy's cock to much for you, maybe next time you won't override my game history."

-Wasn't into the daddy thing at first but you like it so he'll accommodate

-You know he spanks, the man is a sadist and he likes to see your body moving with the impact he'll slap every party of your body except your face

-At first he was too scared to touch you but once you got him gloves his hands were all over you

-Pays extra attention to your breasts and thighs, they are never clear of marks

-Will mess with the bruises and hickies he leaves much to your dismay

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