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"1 and 2, and 3 and, 4. Step, dip, pop your hip. Bounce swivel and pop!" 

At the end of your routine, everyone is sweating and giving their partners a generous pat on the back. You wipe your face and drink some water as Sero fans himself with his drenched T-Shirt.

From the corner of your eye, you watch as your teacher assesses each pair according to their progress. What caught your attention however, was two dancers following close behind as she got towards you.

"Hey guys, just want to say that I see you two are doing amazing, Y/n the power behind your pops is extraordinary!" Sero stepped next to you, hands on his hips, and breathing heavily. Your teacher's eyes seemed to reluctantly drag over to his figure.

"However, I just can't seem to feel the normal chemistry that I usually get from you two." Sero straightened up and had a slightly panicked look on his face. "What do you mean!?" 

Your teacher flinched at his loudness and you placed a comforting hand on Sero's back. "It's just that it seems like you're not focused and mistepping a lot." 

As much as you hated to admit it, there was no denying the throbbing feeling in your toe from Sero stomping on it repeatedly. Your teacher sighed as she motions the man behind her to come forward.

"Tomoe, you are our most advanced make as of now so I will be partnering you with Y/n. For now, Sero you will be dancing with Lattrice, so she can critique you when I'm not there."

Sero glances at his ‘new’ partner with a sharp look which you could tell intimidated the poor girl. You gently placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort. “Look Hanta, the show is in a week, this isn’t permanent and if you can get it quickly, we might be able to still dance with each other!”

Sero looked at you disbelieving but eventually gave in.

As you two practiced separately, Sero quickly realized how much he hated your partner. He didn’t even remember his name, but the sight of him grinding against you, even platonically, sent a tremor down his spine. Sero glared at the male’s hands holding your hips against him as you two swiveled around and he crushed his water bottle, making it spray everywhere.

“Oh my goodness!’ Sero’s partner Lattrice, quickly ran to get a mop but Sero was still too busy pouting. “Mamaguebo.” Sero cursed under his breath but you could hear a few of the Dominican dancers nearby stifle a laugh.

In the end, Sero never got it quite right and due to the slow but sure competition between dancers, he now found himself in the audience waiting for your routine to start. 

The sound of 34+35 filled his ears and he wanted to die on the spot. You were wearing a white crop-top that exposes your toned midriff along with low hanging pants. You bent over, hanging on your partner's waist for him to use his hands to make you grind for all the world to see. The crowd around him cheered but anger was all he felt. 

Towards the end, you dropped low on your knees facing him and a smile dawned on your face when you caught his eye. That brightened his mood only for it to dampen as your partner stood over you with his shirt raised and hips moving. “Esta cabrón!” A mother next to him gasped as she shielded her child, but that didn’t bother him in any way.

At the end of your routine, Sero waited to find you, and much to his displeasure your damn partner was there too. “Okay Tomoe, see you next week, say hi to juicy for me!” You turn back to look at Sero and your eyes widen as he gives you the most disgusted look you had ever seen “What?!”

“Who the hell is juicy?!” You shrugged, “His french poodle, he’s the sweetest thing, he has little bows and stuff in his hair!” 

Sero looks at you for a moment, holding the bridge of his nose. Everyone around had long since gone home so now it was the occasional bystander and people cleaning up. “Come here.” Your wrist is grabbed as you are dragged around the building. “Where are we going?”

Your question is soon answered as you’re pushed into a linen closet. “Sero...” Your speech is hindered as heated lips capture yours. Your arms are held as you’re pressed against the shelves behind you. Sero skillfully prods your parted mouth with his tongue and gently bites your kiss swollen lips as he pulls away. 

“Carajo, look Y/n, will you date me?!” You felt your head spin from the onslaught of emotions. “Huh, what!? I..” Sero couldn’t help it so he kisses you again, this time slotting his knee between your thighs. When he pulls away, he laughs as you try to chase his lips, “So will you go out with me?” You nod your head, “Of course, it’s about time you grew some balls!”

Sero rolled his eyes and hit your shoulder, “Yeah right, anyways, we should get out of here before they lock us in.” You put on a sultry look as you wiggle your eyebrows, “With that confession, how do you know that I don’t want to be locked in here with you?” Sero shakes his head, “I am not doing you in a theater closet.”

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