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I know i know, mother has been gone for a while but I swear I'm back my sweet little whores

Sweat dripped down your sides as you feel your neck being pulled back by your leather collar. The metal chain connected to it, drapes down your back being held firmly by Levi. "Say it again."

You shake your head, dreads sticking briefly to your face as they whipped around you. A rough hand slides up your back before finding its home between your braids.

You cry out as your hair is yanked back, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror before you. "Look at what a pretty little mess you are for me." Levi moans as he looks down at where you were swallowing him. You couldn't help but gaze at yourself as well.

You looked absolutely ruined. Clear fluids that could either be sweat or saliva covers your face in a bright sheen. The arms you used to hold yourself up, shook as a betrayal of your remaining strength. You had been in this position for over an hour yet the presence of Levi's hard dick remained inside of you having not cum even once.

Lips mouthed at the shell of your ear before you feel teeth sink into the flesh there. "You're only making this harder in yourself, just say it." You grit your teeth defiantly, but allow your upper body to relax into the sheets below.

Levi sighs and soon your nose is alerted with the scent of cigarette smoke. Your legs tremble and hips jerk as Levi resumes his long strokes within your weeping pussy. The band tightening in your stomach grows more incessant as you try to quickly reach your orgasm.

The deep rumbling laugh leaves Levi's mouth and your chain is yanked further forcing you to rise onto your legs. Levi raises a hand to cup your breast, smoothing his thumb over a pert nipple. "You would be allowed to cum if only you said two little words."

You cough as smoke is blown into your face as you fix a steely glare at the man inside of you. "Suck my dick." Levi hummed, "But you did such a great job of that earlier." His tongue darts out over his thin lips as he eyes the dark black streaks that have dried down your cheeks from your previous task.

You cast your eyes down as Levi thrusts randomly, just barely missing that gooey spot you longed for him to touch. "Please." You whispered below your breath, you felt as though you would break. "I'm sorry my ears aren't what they used to be?"

You look back at Levi, eyebrows furrowed, "I said please!" Levi shook his head, that wasn't what he was looking for. His long fingers found your throbbing clit and rubbed almost painful circles onto it. "You're almost there sweetheart, just tell me what you need and what I want to hear."

You let out a wonton moan as you feel your orgasm nearing and you feared for it to be taken once again. "Faah~ please levi I need you to fuck me I can't take it anymore. I.. I'm sorry, oh God, I'm so sorry. I just- please."

A small hidden smirk is visible on the shorter man's face as he pressed you gently onto the bed. "There you go." The plush rolls of your hips and belly are grabbed as he pistons his hips against yours.

It was only a matter of moments before that cord within you snaps and you find yourself coming around his dick. Levi grunts as you constrict around him but he continues to chase his own orgasm.

The feeling of his hot cum filling your walls was a gift in itself as he holds you against him, unwilling to let a single drop leave you. Small grunts and moans reverberated against your ear giving you much satisfaction that this was hard for him just as it was for you.

When he does pull out he chuckles at the sight before him and excess smoke hits your purplish pink pussy as you twitch from over stimulation. You find yourself drifting off to sleep soon after.

Am i the only one that didn't know vajaja's were different colors till porn.

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