Kittens Klub

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Warnings: Yandere, Dub-con/Non-con bakugousafro



"Kitten~" you jump as you hear the front door opening. Heavy footsteps grew closer to the room you were locked in and you could hear the faint jingling of keys. Wanting to extend the amount of time you could stay away from that bastard, you hid in the closet. The door opened and you heard a heavy sigh reverberate around the room. "Why do you insist on playing your games, Kitty? Wouldn't it be so much easier to give in and accept my love?"

Bile rises in your throat at the sound of his voice. Love was many things but this was not love. At one point in time, you two were in love. That all changed of course when his idea of love became a smothering. A leash that squeezed tighter and tighter until there was no room for your own personal thought. You scream as the closet door is yanked open and a hand reaches in and drags you out by your hair.

You bring your legs to your chest whimpering as Shinso looked down with a blank gaze. "You're being dramatic." You sob louder curling into your self. Shinsou sighs scratching the back of his head. "Look, I didn't mean to pull your hair alright, now stop crying." You sniff angrily as you move to stand, you send a sharp glare his way before walking past him, shoving his shoulder for good measure, "If you're gonna lie at least make it believable. Now can you please go somewhere else, you're not wanted here" You didn't know why you said that but the throbbing pain coming from the back of your braids, clouded your judgement.

Shinsou stood in place, still in the position you shoved him in. Your heart skipped a beat as you slowly begin to realize how detrimental to survival your action was. "Shinsou, baby I'm sorr-" your cut off by Shinsou's hand griping your chin painfully. "What the fuck did you say to me?" You shook your head whimpering unable to respond verbally. Shinsou glared at you sending a shiver down your spine. "You know, I try to be nice. I give you your space and try to be understanding. All I ask is that you show me a little respect and love when I come home after a long day!"

You bring your hands up and claw his fingers off your face. "I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE SHNSOU! I HAVEN"T SEEN MY FAMILY IN A MONTH!" Shinsou scoffs crossing his arms. "Family? You mean those people that let you come out into the world with no training or guidance!? Hell when I first met you, you were wearing a tight little dress that anyone could have taken advantage of!" You roll your eyes and huffed not believing your ears. "What I wear has nothing to do with anyone else how dare you!?" you pick up a nearby shoe and throw it at his head.

Shinsou dodges it easily stomping towards you making you back up into the wall behind you. "I'm only doing this for your sake you ungrateful brat. Without me who knows where you would be!" You don't respond as tears well up in your eyes. You blink them away as you simply glared at Shinsou hoping that your gaze carried enough malice needed for this situation. "Your insane Shinsou."

Shinsou stared at you and almost as if a flip had been switched, his face morphed from that of anger to fondness. "I understand now." You furrow your eyebrows as Shinsou backs away from you carding his hand through his hair. He brings his hands up to caress the sides of your face, so gently that it made you want to cry from the absurdity of it. "You're just confused baby. I understand, it must be hard to see past the conditioning you've been put through."

Shinsou dawns a smirk on his exhausted features, "Don't worry, Daddy will take care of you." You shake his hand off in disgust. "What the hell are you talking about?!"

Hitoshi walks backwards removing his gold watch before moving onto his button down shirt. "You know, ever since my time at U.A, I always would shy away from using my quirk due to it being labelled as villainous." Shinsou removed his belt folding it and laying it gently on the bed as if saving it for later. "But once I realized that my quirk can be whatever I want it to be, I embraced it! And it felt soo fucking good." Shinsou walks towards you making deep eye contact as his violet eyes seemed to darken.

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