Iida breeding kink

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Fun Fact about me (tw; sensitive topic): despite my breeding kink, I will never take part in it until i am financially stable enough to support myself and a child. Everyone in my family is extremely fertile. Our DNA literally lives by "it only takes one time" saying. My grandma for example is immune to all birth controls (except condoms of course) and got prego each time she did the do (her IUD got into her damn lung AND she still got pregnant with it). And my mom didn't react well mentally to abortions (my older sis was stillborn) so I wouldn't even consider that an option so I'm on thin fucking ice......WON'T STOP ME FROM READING THESE THOUGH.

Before you ask yes i am pro-life in the sense i think it is murder, that is all. And before u say i contradict myself (someones said it before) i see it this way, i think killing a fish or a bug is murder....but ya don't see me losing my damn mind about it

No, i will not vote against abortion cause i think even if you make it illegal there will always be women desperate enough for them that they'll take dangerous ways out leading to more death, no i do not care nor judge anyone that gets one, its your body not mine. #fuckthemkids. You will never catch me standing outside of PlannedParenthood like a dipshit making peoples choice harder than it already is. Abortions are taxing to the mind and body so stay safe people and be careful who you lay with these hoes are treacherous.

Iida, Iida, Iida.

Out of all his fellow classmates, he couldn't believe that he had come down with the disease known as a "kink". It was completely unfathomable to him that the thought of getting you pregnant made him harder than the Appalachian Mountains. It started off small and unnoticeable, seeing you play with your twin nephews when they came to visit always warmed his heart and he felt a sense of pride that his significant other got along so well with children.

But then when your sister's newborn was finally old enough to be around other people he damn near lost it. The very idea of you holding the small yellow babe had his knickers in a knot. At first, he thought something was wrong with him. Was he a creep? Was it the children? There were many times that Iida wrote down his will whenever he got close enough to turning himself in to the police. It wasn't until he spoke about his troubles in passing that Mineta and Denki finally explained that he did not in fact have to say 30 miles away from a school at all times.

"Dude, it's just a breeding kink." Mineta replied to him with Kaminari nodding as well, "It's more common than you think, my girlfriend has one." After that Iida took his newfound pervertedness with stride.....meaning he watched creampie compilations religiously whenever his resolve became weak..

Look my boy Iida is a careful man, despite the lack of anyone asking Iida would keep specifying that it was not the colonizer in him that wanted to fill all your orifices with his hot cum. That every time you stretched for a workout he wanted to hold you in that position so he could see his cock entering your fucked out hole repeatedly. He was down horrendous, to say the least. After watching him flail around you, you finally ask what the hell was up. Iida is no liar and never beats around the bush when asked directly, so he told you upfront almost immediately.

You were surprised of course, the few times the two of you got intimate it was nothing less than savory. So when the man told you that he wanted to watch his cum roll down the valley of your breast, you couldn't help but nearly choke to death on your macaroons. So you planned and planned, you weren't quite ready for kids yet cause your job required you to go on trips too often enough to have a solid bond with your child, but the thought of Iida coming inside was arousing.

So doctor's visits were in order to find a birthcontrol that you weren't allergic to and to make sure nothing crazy would happen in regards to side effects.


He's restless when you get ready to do it.

Even though he knew you wouldn't get pregnant, the thought of sneaking past your birth controls protection seemed like a challenge to him.

Of course in his "extensive research" he figured out what a damn mating press was and was excited to try it out

You didn't even get to breathe a sentence before you were on your back with your knees touching your clavicle.

"Are you sure about this Y/n?" he'd ask, checking to make sure you were ready which would have been sweet of him if half his dick wasn't already inside of you. "I'm ready Tenya."

You weren't ready in the slightest. The bed creaked as Iida's thighs held him up enough to allow enough accuracy to pull all the way out and go back in. "You always feel so good for me Y/n." His strong voice simmered with pleasure as he grunted in your ear. The feeling of your nails scrapping his back only gave him the insight that he was doing a good job at fucking your insides. Your thighs were sore and cramping in a matter of minutes from the concentrated momentum but luckily Iida had other plans as he slides a pillow under your waist to give a more rhythmic thrust.

Your nose stung from a metallic smell, a low vibration trembled from your bottom as Iida's engines agitated themselves as he got deeper into his pleasure. "You'd look so beautiful with our children Y/n, even more, beautiful than you already are." His lips would give feather-like touches around your large areolas, imagining how one day there would be milk dripping around the curve of them.

Iida wasn't a bragger, but fuck was he well endowed, Your skinny frame was a perfect output for his frustration, watching his cock carve its way throughout your body from the small protruding of flesh on your lower belly. "I'm right fucking there, god I could really get you pregnant look at how gotdamn deep I am." Your deep voice made the side of his face vibrate as you kissed his neck. "Fuck me harder Iida, please!"

There was cum everywhere by the end of the night and you had hit up your doctor once again out of fear when Iida fell asleep still aroused.

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