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This will be in modern time cause i don't know jack shit about Naruto

This reader I guess you can say is real cutesy and feminine. I know that there are a variety of black people with different interests and styles so i wanted to show that in this story but I probably failed

I dont really know this man but he gives me very much cuddle-bug
I was gonna make this smutty but ive been getting more requests and im thinking of making a separate  thing for male reader so if you know any tell em to stay tuned lol

Also in a way this story is gender neutral so heres a head start.

Yui__Uzumaki i hope this is what you wanted if not and you wanted smut, remind me and I'll hop on it as soon as i can!

It was Valentine's Day, and you were excited to finally see Choji for the first time. You two had met through social media two years ago, and had hit it off because of your video series of you cooking foreign food. You two would talk almost everyday about your favorite foods and soon talked about your own personal interests in life.

About a week ago, you revived a letter in the mail with tickets to Japan, and after a brief confirmation call to Choji, you found yourself excitedly packing. Even though you planned each outfit for the month you planned on staying, you couldn't help but feel giddy as you searched through your various skirts and blouses. You wanted him to think you were cute but not childish

The scenery on the way there was mind blowing and you took many pictures to show off to him later. You did feel a bit self conscious as you waited for your luggage. You didn't see anyone around that looked like you, and for a moment you even considered that maybe you were being stood up.

"Y/n?" Came a voice from behind you. You turned around and to your joyz Choji stood there in front of you. "Choji?!" You asked, still unsure that this was even real. The man laughed and held out his arms which you quickly jumped into. "Oh, I'm happy to see you!" You say, doing your best to wrap your arms around his larger build.

Choji laughed as he sat you back down and a faint blush came over his face. "Really? Am I everything you imagined?" You smiled and lightly tapped on his nose, "Yes and honestly you're even better."

As Choji drove to his house,  you did your best to hide your amazement. Since Choji lived in the countryside, the scenery quickly went from bustling cities to lots of greenery and small forests. "It's so pretty here." You said snapping more pictures on your camera.

When you two arrived, your eyes went wide at the sight of the tall home. Choji had told you a while back how much it cost him but this was the first time you saw something like it in person. The mere size would have cost thousands in America.

Choji awkwardly let you in and you greedily took in your surroundings. The place wasn't decorated with much but it still managed to have a homey feeling to it as the smell of food filled your senses. "Where do you want me to sleep?" You asked softly. You wanted to sleep in the same room as him but you didn't know if you were moving too fast or not.

Choji gave you a closed eyed smile as he pulled your luggage behind him. "Well I was hoping you'd room with me if that's okay. If not you can always have the guest room."

You followed after him and excitedly helped put your thighs in order. When you were done, you two sat in the living room in silence. Both nervous for what was to come next. "Um, those may be sudden b-but can i kiss you?"

Choji looks at you surprised and your watch as a cute blush formed in his face. Without thinking, you lean forward and place a kiss on one of his cheeks before retreating.

A large and gentle hand held your face and you found yourself meeting soft lips. Your heart fluttered as they moved against yours and you gripped the front of his shirt. Choji couldn't help but place his hands on your waist and you internally cringed as you remembered the flowy skirt you had on.

When you pulled away and covered your face as you hid your big grin. Choji pulled you hands away and for a moment you both shared a laugh at your silliness. "Are you ready to eat?"

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