Pretty little Slut

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Day 11: Degradation

You were laying on top of Kenta as you two enjoyed the fall breeze coming through your window. "You know I love you Kenta?" you say hugging him tight enough to affect his breathing. All you got was a glance and a huff in reply as he watched TV. "Well, aren't you gonna say it back!" you pouted as your fingers traced the black lines adorning the side of his head. "Mm love you." he responded disinterestedly, flicking his head to stop your fingers from tickling him. You frown at the lack of intention and thump his head earning yourself his signature glare of death. Luckily for you, ya daddy raised a G so it didn't faze you. "Fine then I'm not talking to you." you huff crossing your arms and turning away from your boyfriend. You couldn't help but have the urge to cry a bit when he doesn't react.

You stood up and headed to your room slamming the door. "Fine if he doesn't want to acknowledge me then I'm not either." you pick up your phone and message Oikikawa,

You: hey i'm coming over since niggas wanna act dumb

Oikawa: what happened to hello, what happened to how are you?

You: lmao hush I'll be there in 5

You go to your closet and pick out a royal blue crop-top and jeans and grab your keys. "Where the hell are you going?" Kenta grunts at you but you continue to walk out the door ignoring him.

Hours later you find yourself still at Oikawa's place playing Mortal Combat. "Hey what the hell your cheating!" you yell shoving his shoulder as he beats you again. "It's not my fault you don't know what you are doing!" he smirks dodging the controller when you throw it at him.

*Ding Dong*

You both pause and raise your eyebrow at the sound of the doorbell ringing. "I'll get it." Oikawa sighs getting up from the floor and heading to the living room. You simply shrug and pick up your bag of chips crunching on the softly. As the day had gone on, you and Oikawa just spent time gaming, napping, and complaining...well you complaining about Kenta and him listening. As the day went on you had slowly bundled up in Oikawa's clothes because his house was so damn cold.

"Y/N!' Oikawa calls out to you and you get up to answer. You freeze in the hallway as your boyfriend stood there right in the living room glaring at you. "Hey.." you say trying to play off his intimidation. For a while, it's quiet and you shiver as Kenta looks up and down your body. "What the fuck are you wearing?" He growls and you opened your mouth to respond but nothing came out. Oikawa feeling the mood, walked to his room but right as he passed you, he grabbed your waist and smirked at Kentaro, "You should come over again soon." then lowly enough that you could hear he whispered, "You gon die."

"Let's go." Kentaro growls grabbing your arm and pulling you through the door. The car ride is quiet and any attempts at conversation that you try are ignored thoroughly. When you get back home your shoved through the door making you stumble a bit. "What were you doing over there huh?" Kentaro growls unbuckling his belt slowly as he gazes at you with hooded eyes. "Oikawa and I were just chilling you know." you mumbled not looking Kenta in the eyes and instead focusing on his veiny hands undoing his leather.

"Ha? Chilling, is that why you're wearing his clothes? Is that why you didn't answer my calls?!" Your eyes widened and you subconsciously tugged on the hem of the jacket you were wearing. Kenta doesn't miss this and sneers, "You think I would cheat?" Kenta walked closer to you and put a hand on your head then slides it down to your shoulders, "tch Hell no I'm not accusing you of that." You suddenly find yourself flipped around and bent over the couch. Kanta leans over your body and gets close to your ear, "I'm accusing you of being a little attention whore that's mad at daddy for not paying attention to her." you shiver as you feel sharp teeth nipping at your neck.

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