kirishima fluff

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"Please be still Kiri." "I'm trying but my arms hurt!!" Your steely glare silences the redhead and he allows you to continue your work. You are the main dressmaker of your small company while also specializing in making custom dresses for whoever would pay you. It was prom season so the influx of orders had skyrocketed by 13% forcing you to utilize every second of your time. You were particular in your craft and refused to have your employees handle your custom orders.

"Are you sure you're almost done?" Kirishima had been whining during the entire process but when asked if he wanted to stop he'd shake his head earnestly. Now that you were halfway through you wouldn't tolerate him backing out at the last minute. "I still don't see how this dress is supposed to fit a girl." You pull a pin from your mouth as you speak.  "She's 6,4 size 38C slim waist and small buttocks." You take a strap back and assess the final pinings. "Now so does that sound like?"

Kieishima looks at one of the many mirrors behind you and whistles, "Wow babe you really outside yourself this time." You humm at the praise dioxide on making sure every pin was where it needed to be before you let him take it off. It seemed almost perfect until your eyes began to travel up.  Just above the stand in lace around his collar was a single pin causing the neckline to become crooked if you were to sew it together. "Ah crap, give me a second Ki."

Kirishima watched you very close to his neck. The feeling of your curls underneath his chin tickled him. He wraps her arms around your before settling his hands on your hips. "So what will we be doing after this?" You roll your eyes, "Getting a good nap in before I start really working on the dress." Liaisons pouted but he understood.  Your skin had become flawed by dark circles surrounding your eyes and the amount of instant coffee capsules he had found in the trash was something you'd see on a documentary on addiction. 

"My flower's been working so hard lately huh?" Kirishima’s hulking body moves with the precision of a honey bee landing as he embraces you. Naturally his hands fell low to cup your thighs but the humor behind it all was how he seemed to have to float above you so your breasts wouldn't disrupt his collar again. Fingertips dance on your spine,  pushing and pressing on small sore spots. "Yeah but at least I have you to help me." You roll your neck grimacing at the crackling sound. 

A pout forms on your face as Kirishima cups it.  "Eijirou, will you wipe my ass so my orders when I inevitably give myself arthritis?" Kirishima had a toothy grin on his face. "Ahhh no I'm not that manly yet, you are on your own there sweetheart. Now help me get out of this dress my feet are killing me." 

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